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woodsmoke 12.04 installation

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    woodsmoke 12.04 installation

    I quite realize that this is kinda late but, since I had quite a few problems with my first installation I thought I'd let things perk for a while.

    Install on a 14.3 gb SATA HD with GeForce 6600 256mb Viewsonic wide screen monitor.
    Splash screen sophisticated and understated.
    The "direct install" did not work because it could not find the internet(a generic pci atheros with antenna).
    It found the timezone automagically and the keyboard.
    User and passwords.
    Sound worked.
    Installed with updates during install and installed codecs.
    Muon updater worked, installing quite a few updates.

    Added HP1200 multifunction printer which was found but not installed, three clicks.

    Added two desktops for a total of four in one row.
    In System Settings/Virtual desktops number of desktops 4, number of rows 1, ticked Different widgets for each desktop.
    Installed the default KDE wallpapers,

    NOTE: in my opinion the "Azure" wallpaper "comes off" as being "out of focus". I quite realize that it was probably part of the "art" for it, but it comes of as being poorly executed to me.

    Tested Kwin with different wallpapers, renaming the desktops and running Amarok on the second desktop and it appeared only on that desktop.

    NOTE: I think that Kwin as the window manager is a good choice for many users because it provides quite a bit of eye candy and also allows different wallpapers and widgets on the cube.

    Amarok automagically provided internet radio streams.
    However, upon attempting to play an audio cd, Amarok attempted to find an "Audio cd protocol" but failed. It did play the cached .wav track, An attempt to play the ogg track resulted in the same behaviour.

    The other provided player Dragon Movie player did not play the audio cd either, it also attempted to find the "Audio cd protocol" but failed.

    NOTE: it would seem that at this stage of things, that somehow either Amarok should be configured to directly play an audio cd or another player, such as VLC should be included which will so do.

    A new user to Linux would not in any way understand what Amarok does in creating the cached music to play, and Kubuntu would, in all probablity, be dismissed and not ready for prime time by a user who is used to Windblows media player, or a provided third party player, automatically playing a cd directly.

    An attempt was made to play a DVD, the new Casino Royale, however, it would not play. A variety of approaches were made finally going through the file system and the following was noted as being needed and a search was made but failed:

    MSDos .exe:
    application/x-ms-dos-executable decoder
    Same for dvdrom .exe

    an attempt was made to play the VTS_01_1.VOB but with no success.

    NOTE: one would assume that since the installer stated that codecs would be downloade during the install, that the audio cd and the DVD should play. This again, is something that I think a new person would find at least somewhat confusing.

    Upon opening MUON and searching for libdvdcss, it was found that LibDVD read was installed, but the kubuntu extras were not. Installation required accept the "web EULA"

    Installation of "kubuntu restricted extras" provided the usual suspects appended, but still neither the cd or the dvd would play. The cd expectedly because that is the way Amarok works but not for the DVD which should have worked.

    Anywhoooo I'll get the DVD to play etc. since this what normally has to be done.

    Firefox installer worked provided standard Ubu branding. Worked with Kubu forums, and played YouTube videos.

    Rekonq worked, with clicking of the four provided sites, with Kubu forums etc. defaulted. However, Rekonq did not work with Kubu forums, reporting:

    Your submission could not be processed because you have logged in since the previous page was loaded.<br /> <br /> Please reload the window
    Going to Rekonq configuration (the crescent wrench at top right) WebKit and ticked: Let javascript open new windows, Let Javascipt access clipboard.

    This allowed Rekonq to interact with the forum properly.

    Rekonq played YouTube videos properly.

    LibreOffice opened in "edit mode" that meaning that it showed "what was being done" in the sidebar.

    All in all, the basic install should be a no-brainer for any new user to Linux.

    All in all, the extended tweaking of things like javascript in Rekonq is something that most experienced users should be able to do but is not necessary.

    However, since there is a desire to have Rekonq be the default browser, it might be an idea to tweak the javascript as default or to post a how to in the possible "read me first" widget being discussed.

    So, with the exception of the inability to play DVDs or cds in the U.S. Kubuntu Precise is a fine distro for both the new, and experienced, user, as usual!

    Last edited by woodsmoke; May 26, 2012, 03:51 PM.

    I, mistakenly, thought that Kubu was going to crash, so hurriedly posted the first post.

    It has been edited.

    The problem was with.............the little yellow lightbulb!


