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Pre-existing install, can now only boot using LiveCD, looking for repair options

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    Pre-existing install, can now only boot using LiveCD, looking for repair options

    Until this moring the install of Kubuntu 12.4, upgraded from Ubuntu 10.10 in several steps, was running fine.
    On startup this morning there was an error saying the machine could only run in low graphics mode, I tried a few of the suggested repair option and got it to the point where it did not want to boot at all. On startup I get the Bios splash screen, then "input not supported" on my monitor display. The "input not supported" message displayed in the past as well, but it would disapear in a few seconds as the machine booted up.

    Using the Live CD the first time, it returned a 'broken thread' message and kicked me out to the normal login screen from the HD, I was able to log in and everything worked fine for that session. I attempted to use a 'boot fix' program from and on reboot I was right back where I started from.
    Next launch of the Live CD went as expected and it presents me with the install or test options, which work fine. (I would actually like to get that 'broken thread' error again so I can get back into the HD's OS, but oh well)

    So, I would like to either repair the existing install, or reinstall with the ability to save the 60Gig or so in the /home directory. Current partitions are just OS and Swap. It seems that I do not have root access to create a new partition from the Live CD, else I'd create a /home partition and copy the current contents there and do a fresh install. Maybe I'm missing something?
    Also, I thought in past versions there was a 'Repair existing install' option, but I can't seem to find that.

    Spent the last 3 hours messing with this, so I'm ready for suggestions.

    OK, got partition manager working. Making a new 90 gig partition, was originally gonna make that /home but will probably install the OS into the 90Gig and use the remaining 350 gig as /home.

