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upgrade lost Kubuntu opener Id & ICA crash report detected; & HP printer craps out

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    upgrade lost Kubuntu opener Id & ICA crash report detected; & HP printer craps out

    I lost my initial opener kubuntu id. that occurs @/just after rebooting. This followed upgrade to 12.04 when I receive an ica crashed report detected with SIGSEGV in the gtk_container_add () Executable Path.

    an auto crash report was repeatedly sent; Regret, I can't locate anyone of those auto reports. But the crash did damage. The notice is showing right now, 5-23-12 @ 9-16 AM. It continues to be detected. again and again @ reboot. this started at the close out in an upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04, a crash report was detected "ica crashed with the SIGSEGV in the gtk_container_add () Executable Path". I asked for an auto report that I believed went to the lauchpad. I did a find there and found no report on file 5-23-12 But I recall, in the close out after the auto reports, A note said the matter had closed, whatever that meant. I elected to examine the issue locally at which Termnal opened and I ran a conf correction that popped up as an alternative. At near the end of that 17 m correction, it crashed again and I posted about this on ubuntu forums under install and upgrade. Not finding the autoposted ica crash report, I now posting this about 5-6 days after the original crash took place.

    At first on reboot, ubuntu came up in kubuntu 11.10 and did not go to 12.04 though I believed a full build had been achieved. Then it turned out as I thought, 12.04 had been running with torn displays as it opened. Then, I noted after various reboots and work being done continuously, that kubuntu was no longer displayed as I opened initially. I ran as a kubuntu 10.04, 10.10, 11.04, 11.10 and for about four boot ups. then there was no more kubuntu showing up for 20-30 seconds as the sys initiated.

    Today, 5-23-12, before the login, the display was ragged. Just last night, in Libre Office, I was updating a doc written in .html. that 35 page doc froze up. it could not be saved as a .doc document as it had frozen as the .html. that resulted simultaneous with my old HP 4000 laser jet printer tripping out. that happened after I uninstalled and reinstalled the printer. and my reboots come up with torn displays and a sys, which is terribly slow or frozen. Been unable to do basic check out of the sys and get work out on this PC. Am heavily burdened by these issues and cannot figure out what to do to pull this out. Am weary and asking, am I walking or stumbling ?
    Mirus P5GC-MX with 750 giB HD; Linux User 470205 since 2002; Get a Linux User # @