This may sound like a newbie question and it is. This has come up with me before, and I've just ignored it and it would go away after a while. However, like so many things MS, it continues to poke and prod at me every time I update/upgrade. Recently, I had to do a reinstall of 12.04 Precise and when I update/upgrade my system attempts to load truetype fonts for, I assume, LibreOffice. During the process, my konsole stops and gives me a screen that is offcolor from the normal terminal screen and it contains an End User License Agreement for these fonts from MS. It displays an 'OK' down at the bottom, but try as I might, I can't seem to agree/disagree with the terms. Pressing any of the basic combinations of enter (shift-enter, alt-enter, ctrl-enter, or just plain enter) or clicking on it appears to have no effect. If I could ignore it I would, but it interrupts the update process and requires being dealt with (and they call MS user friendly) if I want to continue the update process. It seems we can't get away from MS's claws even in linux. I would like to just refuse the agreement and do without the fonts, but I can't even figure out how to agree to it. Any ideas?