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Problems with Muon and Konsole upgrade

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    Problems with Muon and Konsole upgrade

    I did a fresh upgrade from 11.10 to precise last night and really like it. I seem to have a similar problem with two different features, namely, when I try to install apts from either Muon pakage manager or Muon software center I get a message that they can't install because another pakage manager is running and I have to shut that down before I can install anything. A similar problem with the sudo apt-get upgrade in the terminal window, it fails and says I have a pakage manager running and I need to shut it down first. I have tried both of these after a fresh reboot with nothing but the desktop running and still no luck. Any ideas?

    This could be a stale dpkg lock. Try running "sudo fuser -vki > /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a". After that, you should be able to upgrade with either Muon or Konsole.



      Frustrated with an operating system that I couldn't install or upgrade I reinstalled 11.10. However, next week I will give it another go and try it out. Except for that one flaw, I loved the new Kubuntu and hope I can get it working. I'll respond again then. I do appreciate the help though.


