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    I'm not using any 32 bit applications, but I see a bunch of i386 KDE/QT libraries installed.
    Is there any way to uninstall them and disable 32bit support at all?

    Last edited by letrec; Apr 11, 2012, 05:40 AM. Reason: fix typo

    What happens when you try and uninstall them?

    Please Read Me


      They are not being displayed in the output of apt-cache pkgnames.
      I guess they are treated as parts of 64bit package.
      The only packages that mention bitness in the output are:

      % apt-cache pkgnames | grep 386


        You didn't answer my question.

        If you can survive without 32 bit libraries; To prevent their availibility, just comment out the single line in /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/multiarch. However, some things that require 32bit libs may suffer - like wine.

        Please Read Me


          Originally posted by letrec View Post
          I'm not using any 32 bit applications
          Are you sure? You may be without realising it... (as mentioned WINE requires them among other applications).

          And are they causing any issues, if not then why bother trying to remove them? You will likely find you just break something that needs them (something must has required them in the first place).

          If you are just clearing out your system, then look into removing all unused packages rather then assuming you don't need any 32bit libs.


            The googleearth deb package requires the ia32 libraries.

            If Muon shows that you have the ia32 libraries installed you can uninstall them. After that happens you can then run in a console
            sudo apt-get autoremove
            to delete any unused dependencies or other apps that required the ia32 libs. Those apps that required the ia32 libs will disappear from the menu.
            "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
            – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


              I'm not sure how to uninstall them.


                Muon shows that ia32 is not installed.
                I used to have Skype installed, but not anymore.


                  Interesting. I had installed the multiarch and then the ia32 libs so that I could install Googleearth and skype. Yesterday an update of several dozen apps ended with a msg show over 200 apps "which are no longer needed and can be removed with autoremove". Checking the list, it included ia32 libs, girl, xsane, some gtk stuff and the gtk cd burner, etc... Since this is a beta install I decided to use autoremove and see what damage would be done.

                  The Gnome CD burner was removed, as was Googleearth, and some sane libraries, and some other apps which I never used. Oddly, Skype remained and runs well.

                  I tried to install the ia32-libs again but the attempt was rejected because of dependency problems.
                  The "ia32-libs" package could not be marked for installation or upgrade:
                  Depends: ia32-libs-multiarch, but it is a virtual package
                  Only the (i386) version of "ia32-libs-multiarch" is in the Muon repository and when I try to install it on my 64bit system I get:
                  The "ia32-libs-multiarch" package could not be marked for installation or upgrade: Depends: gtk2-engines-pixbuf, but it is not installable
                  Depends: libgail-common, but it is not installable
                  Depends: libcurl3, but it is not installable
                  Depends: libgtk2.0-0, but it is not installable
                  Depends: gtk2-engines-murrine, but it is not installable
                  Depends: libcupsimage2, but it is not installable
                  Depends: librsvg2-common, but it is not installable
                  Depends: gstreamer0.10-plugins-good, but it is not installable
                  Depends: ibus-gtk, but it is not installable
                  Depends: gtk2-engines, but it is not installable
                  Depends: libcups2, but it is not installable
                  Depends: libcanberra-gtk-module, but it is not installable
                  All of those are packages which autoremove removed, plus others.

                  The 64bit Googleearth deb package fails to install because of the missing ia32-libs package.

                  "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                  – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                    I'm getting similar error message while trying to uninstall multiarch-support:
                    package could not be marked for installation or upgrade: Depends:
                    libsdl1.2debian-alsa (= 1.2.14-6.1ubuntu4)
                    libsdl1.2debian-all (= 1.2.14-6.1ubuntu4)
                    libsdl1.2debian-esd (= 1.2.14-6.1ubuntu4)
                    libsdl1.2debian-oss (= 1.2.14-6.1ubuntu4)
                    libsdl1.2debian-nas (= 1.2.14-6.1ubuntu4)
                    libsdl1.2debian-pulseaudio (= 1.2.14-6.1ubuntu4)

                    ia32-libs-multiarch:i386 uninstalls fine, but apt-get autoclean and apt-get autoremove yield nothing.

