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Local Repository

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    Local Repository

    Ok, so I've been trying to setup a local repo and I have followed the How To by Rog131 as well as from Ubuntu's forum and still keep running into a wall. I've gotten everything setup and my local repo shows up in Synaptic but when I run "sudo apt-get update" it gives the following:

    W: Failed to fetch file:/home/"usr"/packages/dists/maverick/debs_for_maverick/binary-amd64/Packages File not found

    W: Failed to fetch file:/home/"usr"/packages/dists/maverick/debs_for_maverick/binary-i386/Packages File not found

    E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.

    I have substituted the dist names for my own but still can't for the life of me get the packages to show up in Synaptic or Muon or update in Apt. I've tried this a few different ways and same outcome so any suggestions at this point would be greatly appreciated. Doing this on 11.10 amd64 - KDE 4.7
    AMD PhenomII X2 550 CPU - Asus M4A88TD-Evo - Nvidia GT640 - 4G 1333 ram - Kubuntu 13.04 - KDE 4.10.5 amd64

    Assuming that you used the format:

    deb file:///home/user/repository

    Did you then follow that up with, from the command line, changing into the specified directory and running:
    dpkg-scanpackages binary /dev/null | gzip -9c > binary/Packages.gz
    See Trivial Repositories
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      I didn't change to the specified directory before I ran that so i'll give that a go. Just had to reload my OS due to a screw up so i'm starting fresh again but i'll post my progress as soon as I can. Thank you for the reply.
      AMD PhenomII X2 550 CPU - Asus M4A88TD-Evo - Nvidia GT640 - 4G 1333 ram - Kubuntu 13.04 - KDE 4.10.5 amd64


        An example: (Step by Step)
        Have you tried ?

        - How to Ask a Question on the Internet and Get It Answered
        - How To Ask Questions The Smart Way


          Alright, it seems to have worked this time. Not sure if something was wrong with my last OS install because a few other things installed correctly this time as well so I just followed the How To as posted by Rog131 like before and apt/muon sees the packages I have added. I do have one other question though. When I run apt-get update it still gives me this at the end:

          W: Failed to fetch file:/home/"usr"/packages/dists/maverick/debs_for_maverick/binary-i386/Packages File not found

          even though I never created that "i386" folder. I'm sure apt is just looking for both types of arch's but my question is should I just create that folder in said location to satisfy apt?
          AMD PhenomII X2 550 CPU - Asus M4A88TD-Evo - Nvidia GT640 - 4G 1333 ram - Kubuntu 13.04 - KDE 4.10.5 amd64


            It's just a warning, so I wouldn't worry about it unless the warnings really bug you.


              yeah i figured, it doesn't bug. I'm just thinking if I add the folder it's looking for then it shouldn't show up."in theory" Really appreciate the replies, thank you.
              AMD PhenomII X2 550 CPU - Asus M4A88TD-Evo - Nvidia GT640 - 4G 1333 ram - Kubuntu 13.04 - KDE 4.10.5 amd64

