I am experiencing very many crashes when loading web pages these days. I am on kubuntu 11.10 updated to kde 4.7.4 / rekonq 0.8 (I believe this is current official kubuntu stuff). The pages that crash all contain flash, or to put it the other way - the ones that are without flash, such as kubuntuforums, seem to load just fine.
Are there other users experiencing the same? I am thinking there may be something wrong with the nspluginviewer and/or flash integration in the kde based browsers. Konqueror however, does not crash, but reports that nspluginviewer crashed. In rekonq, the whole application goes down. Firefox appears to keep working.
Are there other users experiencing the same? I am thinking there may be something wrong with the nspluginviewer and/or flash integration in the kde based browsers. Konqueror however, does not crash, but reports that nspluginviewer crashed. In rekonq, the whole application goes down. Firefox appears to keep working.