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Muon full update-/grade stalls

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    Muon full update-/grade stalls

    Shortly after a clean install I get a system message telling me there's bunch of (security) updates waiting to install, even though I checked 'download updates' when installing. I select 'full update/-grade' (my installation is in Dutch, so I don't exactly know the English equivalent), it downloads about 191 Mb's of data, starts 'dpkg-ing' and stalls shortly before it's halfway. First time it stalled at 49%, second time at 48 %, at a different part of the procedure, so i's obviously not a specific update/-grade. When I cut power and boot again, the touchpad of my laptop no longer works, and WiFi is out of the question too. I also can't use Muon any more either because for some reason it thinks there's another update-program running. So, how do I fix this?

    I think the option to download updates during installation isn't intended to update everything, maybe only security or hardware components. Anyway, I've seen many reports of this kind of thing happening with Muon, and my advice is to go to the command line, at least for major updates like this.

    sudo apt-get update
    If there are error messages about signatures or repositories that can't be found, post back here

    Then run
    sudo apt-get upgrade
    - This does the actual work and may take plenty of time. First all the packages will be downloaded - note if you get any errors. Then the install steps will run - and one or two of them may need a prompt to be answered (this promprt may be hidden by Muon, causing it to appear to hang, but that's only my guess).

    Again if there are any errors post back here.
    I'd rather be locked out than locked in.


      This was a bug fixed with Muon 1.2.3. You can grab by adding the QApt PPA:


        First I killed the muon-process, but when I tried to run the update it said it could not open a certain folder. So then I killed the dpkg-process. When I then chose the update-code, it said I had to run a sudo dpkg --configure -a. Once I did that, it picked of a few programs before the muon-update stalled and continued dpkg-ing from there, which has finished whilst typing this reply. When I tried to upgrade it gave another error about another unavailable folder so I rebooted. After rebooting, the upgrade-code worked without a hitch, and it only found 14 more programs to update which has now concluded. Note: some repositories were ignored during the update.
        EDIT: Muon has now been upgraded to 1.2.3.
        Last edited by copycat; Feb 26, 2012, 03:16 PM.

