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Firefox KDE Integration

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    Firefox KDE Integration

    Hey everyone,

    I'm using Ubuntu 11.10 and I have stripped it down and installed the kde-standard package and some stuff from Kubuntu.

    I now have a problem with Firefox in that it looks like GNOME.

    So the question is: How do I get Firefox integration with KDE like what's in Kubuntu?

    Any help would be much appreciated!!

    You could try checking that you have xul-ext-ubufox installed. If not try installing it to see if that helps.
    Kubuntu 12.04 - Acer Aspire 5750G

    "I don't make a great deal of money, but I'm ok with that 'cause I don't hurt a lot of people in the process either"


      Originally posted by bra|10n View Post
      You could try checking that you have xul-ext-ubufox installed. If not try installing it to see if that helps.
      Hi bra|10n, thanks for replying!

      I checked and I have this package installed.

      Any other ideas?


        Is it enabled? Firefox -> Add-Ons -> Extensions.

        Is the default home page about:startpage? If you have the 'Ubuntu" start page then I'd say it's a theming issue...

        Look at packages gtk2-engines-oxygen and gtk3-engines-oxygen
        Kubuntu 12.04 - Acer Aspire 5750G

        "I don't make a great deal of money, but I'm ok with that 'cause I don't hurt a lot of people in the process either"


          Originally posted by bra|10n View Post
          Is it enabled? Firefox -> Add-Ons -> Extensions.

          Is the default home page about:startpage? If you have the 'Ubuntu" start page then I'd say it's a theming issue...

          Look at packages gtk2-engines-oxygen and gtk3-engines-oxygen
          Ok, so the extension is enabled, the default home page is indeed about:startpage and I do have the "Ubuntu" start page.

          I checked the packages, gtk2-engines-oxygen is installed and selected in system settings>application appearance>GTK+ Appearance.

          gtk3-engines-oxygen is not listed in my package manager.

          Again, thanks for replying!


            Are you aware that both Ubuntu / Kubuntu share the same underlying base and kernel?
            You mentioned that you "stripped down Ubuntu" and installed a KDE desktop on top of it.

            Why not instead just install Kubuntu?
            Kubuntu 12.04 - Acer Aspire 5750G

            "I don't make a great deal of money, but I'm ok with that 'cause I don't hurt a lot of people in the process either"


              Originally posted by bra|10n View Post
              Are you aware that both Ubuntu / Kubuntu share the same underlying base and kernel?
              You mentioned that you "stripped down Ubuntu" and installed a KDE desktop on top of it.

              Why not instead just install Kubuntu?
              Yes, I am aware that Ubuntu and Kubuntu are the same except for desktop environments, but I'm doing this because I want to do this with other distros that don't have a KDE version and I always run into this problem with Firefox.

              This is basically just an experiment.

              The only thing left to do is to get Firefox to integrate with KDE.

              Thanks again for replying!
              Last edited by sea_disk; Feb 20, 2012, 09:37 PM.


                Originally posted by sea_disk View Post
                Ok, so the extension is enabled, the default home page is indeed about:startpage and I do have the "Ubuntu" start page.

                I checked the packages, gtk2-engines-oxygen is installed and selected in system settings>application appearance>GTK+ Appearance.

                gtk3-engines-oxygen is not listed in my package manager.

                Again, thanks for replying!
                The gtk3-engines-oxygen package is available from šumski's "KDE goodies" PPA here:

                Also worth checking out is the Firefox addon "Oxygen KDE" here:
                "Let us think the unthinkable, let us do the undoable, let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all."
                -- Douglas Adams


                  Ok, I may have to wipe it and start all over again.

                  Basically, when I installed KDE in the beginning, Firefox was almost perfectly integrated except it had GNOME back and forward buttons.

                  I couldn't figure it out so I decided to try removing GNOME/Unity and then to just install plain KDE which made it worse.

                  Then i tried installing every package that is installed in a normal Kubuntu desktop but that didn't work either, so here I am!!
                  Last edited by sea_disk; Feb 20, 2012, 09:54 PM.


                    Originally posted by HalationEffect View Post
                    The gtk3-engines-oxygen package is available from šumski's "KDE goodies" PPA here:

                    Also worth checking out is the Firefox addon "Oxygen KDE" here:
                    Thanks for replying!

                    I will search that link you gave me in a few hours as it's 4 AM here and I need sleep!

                    I already tried that Oxygen Firefox addon but it's not the same as what's in Kubuntu and I don't like it.

                    Thanks again!!


                      I think there's a packaging problem with kde-config-gtk that doesn't appear when you install the full Kubuntu but does appear if you install individual KDE packages. The Gtk+ Appearance page in System Settings | Application Appearance writes its configuration to ~/.gtkrc-2.0-kde4. However, the GTK2_RC_FILES environment variable that tells the Gtk+ engine where to find its theme contains ~/.gtkrc-2.0 instead.

                      You can either edit the environment variable to match what you'd get if you installed the package kubuntu-default-settings or you can create a symbolic link in your home folder. I've done the latter:
                      ln -s ~/.gtkrc-2.0-kde4 ~/.gtkrc-2.0


                        Originally posted by steveriley View Post
                        I think there's a packaging problem with kde-config-gtk that doesn't appear when you install the full Kubuntu but does appear if you install individual KDE packages. The Gtk+ Appearance page in System Settings | Application Appearance writes its configuration to ~/.gtkrc-2.0-kde4. However, the GTK2_RC_FILES environment variable that tells the Gtk+ engine where to find its theme contains ~/.gtkrc-2.0 instead.

                        You can either edit the environment variable to match what you'd get if you installed the package kubuntu-default-settings or you can create a symbolic link in your home folder. I've done the latter:
                        ln -s ~/.gtkrc-2.0-kde4 ~/.gtkrc-2.0
                        Thank you very very much steveriley!! That fixed it!!

                        And also thanks to bra|10n and HalationEffect for their contribution aswell.

                        Much appreciated!!


                          One last thing. Is there a way to edit the name of this thread?


                            Originally posted by sea_disk View Post
                            One last thing. Is there a way to edit the name of this thread?
                            What would you like it to be?


                              Originally posted by steveriley View Post
                              What would you like it to be?
                              Firefox KDE Integration

                              That should make it more specific so it can be more easily found through Google for anyone else who might have this problem.

