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Rekong on the Task Manager Bar

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    Rekong on the Task Manager Bar

    Everytime I logon, rekong shows upon the task manager bar. I remove the launcher, is clears for a session; however, on the next logon, it reappears. Thoughts?

    Do any other changes you make to the panel get reset?


      I've added the "Show Desktop" control to the task manager bar and it has been "stickey". I try to stay away from the task manager bar, you can get yourself really messed up if you change to much.


        No need to be that afraid of changing it

        Some interesting points you might want to note about the panel (if you don't already know them):
        * It can be locked and unlocked to stop you accentually removing or moving widgets around (best practice is to leave it locked unless you want to change something). This can be done by right clicking the panel > panel options > lock widgets or by clicking the cachew (the half circle at the end of the panel > more settings lock widget or by right clicking the desktop... (you get the idea).
        * You can move widgets around by dragging and dropping them when the panel settings dialog is open (either click the half circle or right click the panel > panel options > panel settings)
        * You can remove widgets by clicking the X on the popup that appears when you mouse over them with the panel settings dialog open or by right clicking a widget > remove this <widget> when the widgets are unlocked
        * You can drag things from krunner or kmenu or dolphin (or allot of other applications) or the desktop or panels (assuming the panel settings are open) to either the desktop or the panel (this has improved in 4.7 and later I believe)
        * And if you screw up every thing entirely you can reset the panel (at least on 4.7 or later I think) by removing the panel entirely then adding a new panel with the default layout by right clicking the desktop (with widgets unlocked) > add panel > default panel

        You could try this last option to see if it fixed your problem.


          Do you mean a launcher icon as opposed to an open-window button?

          If you open rekonq and right-click its task manager button, and go to Advanced >, is "Show A Launcher For ..." ticked? If so ... untick it!

          If nothing else works, the nuclear option is to wipe out your plasma settings (delete or rename files ~/.kde/share/config/plasma*rc) and start again from scratch ... but this is a pain.
          I'd rather be locked out than locked in.


            Originally posted by SecretCode View Post
            If nothing else works, the nuclear option is to wipe out your plasma settings (delete or rename files ~/.kde/share/config/plasma*rc) and start again from scratch ... but this is a pain.
            If its just the panel resetting the panel by the method in my last post would be cleaner/easier. If its just one widget, deleteing and re-adding that widget would also be easier. Deleting the plasma configs should be a last ditch attempt after theme methods fail.


              is rekonq opeing when you log in ?? if so you might want to check you session settings in System Settings -> startup/shutdown -> session management . if you have sessions enabled (default) any programs you have open when you log out will be autostarted for you. personally i use the "start with empty session" option and set any programs i want to start on login in the autostart section of that same kcm(k control module).
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                "Show A Launcher" is not checked.


                  rekong is not starting on logon, it is just showing on the task manager bar.


                    Originally posted by james147 View Post
                    If its just the panel resetting the panel by the method in my last post would be cleaner/easier. If its just one widget, deleteing and re-adding that widget would also be easier. Deleting the plasma configs should be a last ditch attempt after theme methods fail.
                    Agreed, I should have been more clear that that's a last resort.

                    But the OP has already deleted the widget and it comes back.

                    @culdesac: how much other customisation have you done to the default panel? Would it be a pain to delete it and recreate it? (This is also a second-last resort. There should be a better way to stop it getting re-created.)
                    I'd rather be locked out than locked in.


                      I just added the "Show Desktop" widget to the task bar and I've deleted and re-added a default task bar. Same behavior. Would it go away if I delete rekong (currently using FF10).


                        Reinstalled kubuntu 11.10 and KDE 4.8. Issue resolved.

