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Copying user profile.

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    Copying user profile.

    I have Kubuntu with one perfectly setted user profile.
    Is it possible to copy all settings in the profile to another user somehow? Except password, of course....
    For example, there is user/profile /home/pepa and I want to copy to /home/honza.
    Possible problem: some config files uses full paths (instead of system variables) in them - if the second user will use them, it will be still pointing to original profile.
    Probably I can modify them by hand, but it is a lot of work...
    So, is there some user-migrate tool to do it?
    It cant be difficult to program it - it should be just text replacement...

    Re: Copying user profile.

    Have a look at the KFileReplace utility.


      Re: Copying user profile.

      Good idea!


        A simple copy operation from one user to another, including hidden (starting with dot) files will do. However, after the copy you have to change file ownership/group and owner/group permissions to the new user for the new profile to really work in the new user, otherwise the utilities assuming that they can open config files will fail. This is what I do when I want to "clone" an existing user and works well.

        As for hardcoded paths, I don't think you're going to have much of a problem. Configuration files stored in the local profile are accessed using the home folder of the user running the app. Perhaps things like last used files could be a problem, but not much beyond that.

