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Dolphin search - where is the file that I found?

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    Dolphin search - where is the file that I found?

    When I use Dolphin to search for a file, the filename shows up in a search result window, of course. But from there, how can I find out the location of the file?

    Re: Dolphin search - where is the file that I found?

    I have nepomuk enabled but when I search for a file from "/" using Dolphin, the file is returned with the title on the left side of a "white" results window. The "Path" is on the far right side, and opposite the title of the returned file. In the case of an example I just did:


    EDIT: see my next post.



      Re: Dolphin search - where is the file that I found?

      Ok, I think I understand the situation now.

      To the top left of the Dolphin window there are three small "tiles" that represent the three views of how you can see the file structure.

      The middle tile will show the path.
      The left tile shows the file as a big icon.
      The right side shows the same view as the middle tile but without the path.

      sorry about the first post.



        The three small tiles

        I see something different with the three small tiles. When I search for a single file, they show three views (icon, compact, details) of that file. No path that I can make out.

        But now I've discovered a roundabout way to get the path after all. You right click on the file you've found and then select "Open Path in New Tab". Then you back out of the search and go to the new tab, which shows the context.


          Re: Dolphin search - where is the file that I found?

          Hi pwabrahams

          Please see the included screeny of a search I did. Notice the name of the file on the left (calendar 02.html) , and the pathway on the right. The text of the pathway is light grey and kinda hard to see, it is "/home/james1". Notice also that of the three tiles at the top left the center one is depressed.

          [img width=400 height=384][/img]

          If this is not what you see then I can be of no further help and someone else will need to address it.



            Re: Dolphin search - where is the file that I found?

            Two thoughts come to mind.
            • Wrench | Additional Information | Path will include the path of each file in the list.
            • Press [F11] to open the information panel; right-click it, choose Configure, and select Location.

            Here's an example:


              Re: Dolphin search - where is the file that I found?


              Amazing you have my pathway on your right button and I do not!

              And, I have path ticked!

              You are running beta right?

              I'm still with Oneric.

              but still odd the difference.



                Re: Dolphin search - where is the file that I found?

                I assume you're asking about the information pane? You have to point, with your mouse, at a file in the list for the information pane to populate. And, in the pane's configuration dialog, you have to pick "Location"; there's no "Path." Furthermore, for this to appear as a selectable option, you have to first highlight any file.

                And yes, this is on my Acer running Precise.


                  Re: Dolphin search - where is the file that I found?

                  I think we may be arguing apples and oranges here.

                  I do not have a "configure shown data".

                  Ah yes I do it appears when I right click the nepomuk/strigi symbol on the top right.

                  However, I do not show

                  MIME type
                  Part of

                  To be specific, I'm running Oneric with 4.7.4 KDE with Dolphin 1.7

                  Soooo pwabrahams what version(s) are you running?



                    Re: Dolphin search - where is the file that I found?

                    In Dolphin, point to an ordinary file (not a folder). Wait for the info pane to populate. Right-click on blank space in the info pane and open the Configure window. Now do you see more items?


                      Re: Dolphin search - where is the file that I found?

                      it seams that steve has an item selected and woodsmoke does not. thats why no info in your info panel . (if i understand what your asking correctly)
                      Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
                      (top of thread: thread tools)


                        Re: Dolphin search - where is the file that I found?

                        When I hover the cursor, like over an image, I get:

                        a) first a very large and very pretty semitransparent window with information about the image. (Actually, one of the very pretty aspects of Kubu to me.
                        b) If i try to move from the image to the pretty pane the pretty pane disappears, I have no control over it.
                        c) If, while the pretty pane is open, I right click on the original little "blue pane" surrounding the image then I get grey panel that has the following options:

                        paste to clipboard
                        move to trash
                        open with

                        There is no "configure" item in the window.

                        If the item is something like a tar, then there are options to do something with the tar.

                        However, in no case is there a "configure" action.



                          Re: Dolphin search - where is the file that I found?

                          I guess I'm not explaining myself very well. Here's an illustrated step-by-step procedure.

                          1. I've opened my Home folder:

                          2. I've opened my Pictures folder:

                          3. I've opened the Lombard Place subfolder:

                          4. I've pointed to a file in this folder; namely, the first one, circled in red. Note how the information pane fills with details about that file:

                          5. I've right-clicked in the blank space beneath the thumbnail to raise the info pane's configuration menu:

                          6. The menu displays all possible data elements that can be shown. By default, location is not included. Here's where you can select it, which I've circled in red:

                          7. Now, the info pane includes the location, circled in red:

                          This setting will persist in Dolphin; any subsequent file you highlight with the pointer that has a displayable location will in fact display its location from now on.

                          The important element here is step 4. If you don't do this, you'll never see a configuration menu like the one in step 6.

                          And this is possible even in pre-Precise Dolphin; I took these screen shots from Dolphin 1.7 in KDE 4.7.4.


                          In case you're curious about the picture, the complex in which I live was set ablaze during its construction. The entire place had to be scrapped and rebuilt. My complex is locally known as "Townhome Flambé"

                          In this one, the entire third floor is completely wiped out:


                            Re: Dolphin search - where is the file that I found?

                            Ok I was operating in the Nepomuk/strigi search function.

                            And, I did not know that one could "right click" below or in the thumbnail.

                            I do, indeed, have the configuration and location menu items. However, in Nepomuk/strigi, the location is already shown.

                            I think that pwabrahams was referring to when one uses Nepomuk/strigi, or just "find".

                            But thanks for the information, and the step wise tutorial, it will be, I think, of GREAT interest to people because it may be that a lot of people don't go around right clicking things, like you did in Pharoh's Tomb with the controller button!



                              A poor choice of defaults

                              Thanks to all -- I didn't realize that I could change the displayed information with "Additional Information" via the Wrench.

                              But I do think that omitting the path was a poor choice for the default display.

