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[FIXED] Can't Launch Juk Music Player (unless I reboot)

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    [FIXED] Can't Launch Juk Music Player (unless I reboot)

    I've been searching for a music player for KDE, since Rhythmbox doesn't seem to work well in Kubuntu. It opens, but looks kind of ugly. Though it showed all the names of my playlists from my saved configuration files I copied to /home, they are all empty.
    I tried Amarok but really don't like it, nor can I easily figure out how do use it.
    So I've looked for KDE music players and found Juk, which is just what I wanted. However after I had used it a couple of times, it suddenly won't open. I resarted the computer and then Juk opened fine. I made a playlist, burned it to a music CD with k3b; and everything worked great!
    Then I closed it and tried to launch the app again and it won't. I tried 'kdesudo juk' and it opened as if for the first time; no saved configuration. By the way - where does Juk store preferences? I don't see anything in /home under '.config' or '.local>share'.

    Also- I had installed Banshee, but that would not open either.

    So, short of rebooting everytime I want to open Juk, does anyone know what the problem might be?

    "Sitting quietly, doing nothing,
    Spring comes, and the grass grows by itself."

    Re: Can't Launch Juk Music Player (unless I reboot)

    Juk was an OK music player in its day... but that day was quite some time ago (according to it hasn't seen a new release since 2005, and was written with KDE 3.4 in mind). Perhaps this is why it's misbehaving under KDE 4.x.

    I use Audacious for my music playing needs, but keep meaning to take a look at Clementine ( .deb packages available at )
    "Let us think the unthinkable, let us do the undoable, let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all."
    -- Douglas Adams


      Re: Can't Launch Juk Music Player (unless I reboot)

      I didn't realize Juk was that old. It's a shame, because it fulfills all my needs and has an easy to use interface.
      I already installed Clementine, but don't care for the way it's laid out. There's an awful lot of clicking involved just to get at my songs! Plus I don't see any way to burn CDs from within the application.

      I've used Audacious and also have that installed; but it doesn't do what Rhythmbox could do.
      I'll have to keep searching...
      "Sitting quietly, doing nothing,
      Spring comes, and the grass grows by itself."


        Re: Can't Launch Juk Music Player (unless I reboot)

        Well, some weird things have been happening!

        I tried to use Amarok again, but nothing would play. I later installed Exhaille, which I've used before in E-17 and wasn't bad. But after loading my music files, that wouldn't play either. So I went to Youtube to see if my sound was out (I checked volume control: not muted) and no video or sound. Then the firefox window became transparent and everything froze and I had to restart the computer.
        When it booted, Juk immediately opened all by itself and sound worked. Then I noticed on my conky display on the desktop that nepomuk was furiously indexing away. It soon stopped.
        Now, it seems, I can quit and open Juk without any problems!

        I also checked in Juk in the 'About' menu and it says
        " Version 3.7
        Using KDE Development Platform 4.7.3
        2002-2011, Scott Wheeler"

        So it would seem Juk is being developed again. Not sure what the problem was, but the program seems to be working OK now. I've quit and re-opened it numerous times now without incident.
        "Sitting quietly, doing nothing,
        Spring comes, and the grass grows by itself."


          Re: Can't Launch Juk Music Player (unless I reboot)

          Glad to hear it is working now

          On the subject of Juk's current development, all I can say is "huh!"... when looking for music playing software myself in the last few months, I'd dismissed Juk as an option due to its (seeming) status as an abandoned project.

          Even Juk's homepage, as well as the entry at KDE-Apps show version 2.2 (from 2005) as being the latest release. No wonder I ended up believing that it was no longer maintained.

          I guess I'll have to install it and see if I like it better than Audacious.
          "Let us think the unthinkable, let us do the undoable, let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all."
          -- Douglas Adams


            Re: Can't Launch Juk Music Player (unless I reboot)

            Yeah, it's a bit confusing when looking at the website, which doesn't seem to have been updated in a while.
            I also found this: from Dec. 2011.
            Maybe someone else has taken it over?

            It still seems to be working fine, and does what I need. Wish I knew what the problem was before!
            "Sitting quietly, doing nothing,
            Spring comes, and the grass grows by itself."


              Re: [FIXED] Can't Launch Juk Music Player (unless I reboot)

              I thought there was a kde4 version of Juk.
              Personally I like audacious, clementine and aqualung.

