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synaptiks crashing, or, Why I am confused about bug reporting

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    synaptiks crashing, or, Why I am confused about bug reporting

    One of the first things I did when getting serious about Kubuntu (about a month ago only) was to get serious about contributing via bug reporting. But I don't feel like I've got anywhere.

    The KDE Crash Handler / Crash Reporting Assistant quickly gave me an opportunity when synaptiks, the control module for the touchpad in my notebook, crashed on bootup. I duly added all the debug symbols and opened a bug: Bug 288655 - synaptiks crash on bootup.

    It was just as quickly closed as a duplicate of Bug 283173 - synaptiks-0.7 crashed after suspend with ALPS touchpad. That bug is closed, but I'm not sure if it's because it's out of scope for KDE or because it's believed fixed - comment #6 says version 0.8.0 of synaptiks fixes it.

    What's my next step? Should I report it to Kubuntu or (possibly also) join the conversation at #21: Synaptiks crashes after resuming pc - Issues - lunaryorn/synaptiks - GitHub?

    And what happens if the synaptiks developers believe they have a fix? I assume that getting the fix into Kubuntu is a packaging matter for Canonical, and not of any interest to
    I'd rather be locked out than locked in.

    Re: synaptiks crashing, or, Why I am confused about bug reporting

    Ugh, from what I see on github, in the last post,the devs are still trying to find where the problem actually is

    Thanks for your update, though I already knew, that 0.8 didn't really fix this bug. I'm beginning to believe that this bug is actually somewhere in the PyQt and python-dbus libraries, and not in synaptiks itself. It'll take some time to sort this out.
    It will get fixed, eventually.

    Once a bug fix is actually in place I politely ask a dev to post a patch so the packaging team can issue an update of the affected package(s).

    Such is the way things get done and I like it very much Be patient, and polite and chances are your problem gets solved.


      Re: synaptiks crashing, or, Why I am confused about bug reporting

      Thanks. ... So should I offer my possibly-different crash logs to the devs at github? Or wait quietly?
      I'd rather be locked out than locked in.


        Re: synaptiks crashing, or, Why I am confused about bug reporting

        There is no harm in asking them if you can help them figure out what is broken

