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CLI Gnupg works, Kgpg does not decrypt, gpg-agent does not work

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    Originally posted by lcharles View Post
    Also, do you think I'm going to go through all of this again if I upgrade to 12.0x when it comes out? Obviously it will be a lot easier since you and Steve Riley worked out the bugs.
    I'm happy it's working for you now.

    FWIW, in Precise, Kgpg appears to "just work" now. After the Kubuntu packagers fixed the bug in kubuntu-default-settings that persisted from Oneiric to Precise, I haven't noticed any further issues with Kgpg. While that bug wasn't directly related to what you were experiencing, I'm thinking that, in general, various under-the-cover improvements were made to the integration of Kgpg and the underlying utilities and libraries.


      Originally posted by lcharles View Post
      How do you stop and restart the daemon? I rebooted the computer, which of course did the trick.
      The simplest way to reload configuration would probably be 'gpgconf --reload gpg-agent'. There are other ways of course, like sending a HUP signal to the process or killing and restarting. Rebooting will obviously also work.

      Also, do you think I'm going to go through all of this again if I upgrade to 12.0x when it comes out?
      I'm with steve on this one, now that you have gotten your configs in order, it should just work in 12.04...upgrades don't touch your user configs (this might actually be what caused your issue, as the gpg-agent.conf file was probably outdated...worked with previous versions of gpg/gpg-agent/pinentry but not the latest versions)

      And also why didn't 'locate' list gpg-agent-config?
      That is rather strange, are you sure you didn't make typos when searching? (locate gpg-agent.conf)
      You can also try running 'sudo updatedb' and then try locate again.


        I'll play some more with 'locate'

        Thanks again to both of you.

        Now it's on to trying to understand firewall rules since all of the really simple interfaces like Guarddog don't work with Kubuntu any more.


          Originally posted by lcharles View Post
          Now it's on to trying to understand firewall rules since all of the really simple interfaces like Guarddog don't work with Kubuntu any more.
          The UFW KControl Module integrates with the Uncomplicated Firewall, which is part of Ubuntu. Might check that out?

