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Weird suggestions from software updater. It wants to remove almost everything

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    Weird suggestions from software updater. It wants to remove almost everything

    The software updater (Not 'Apps' but the other one) tells me that i have over 380 pending updates, and when i open it, it lists what it want to upgrade/remove/install.

    What seems very odd to me, is that it wants to remove a lot of software: Wine, Network-manager, the KDE desktop itself, Ubuntu desktop, Ubuntu system, plymouth, the Alsa driver, -just to mention a few- in addition to loads of other programs that i've installed.

    That's why i haven't performed any updates yet, since it seems that it's going to reduce my computer to an 1980's MS-DOS system...

    I'm thinking that maybe this looks more "scary" than it is, but i don't have the guts to proceed with the upgrade.
    So, is this just a storm in a coffe cup, or is it a problem lurking here?

    Re: Weird suggestions from software updater. It wants to remove almost everything

    some times muon will act strange you have any outside repos enabled?

    check on the CLI a terminal and
    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
    and see what it wants to do will list what it's going to do and if you dont like what you see then just hit "n" and then enter and it will abort

    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
    16GB RAM
    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


      Re: Weird suggestions from software updater. It wants to remove almost everything

      I do have some outside repos, yes. But not many.
      When i started Muon now, it didn't want to do ANYTHING.

      It's weird beahvior comes when i click that yelow shield in the tray, whitch then disappears and comes back after a week or two. Any way to manually invoke this?

      Anyways, the terminal gives me this:
      marvo@marvo-TravelMate-3270:~$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
      [sudo] password for marvo: 
      Ign [url][/url] squeeze InRelease
      Ign [url][/url] oneiric InRelease             
      Ign [url][/url] oneiric-updates InRelease         
      Hent:1 [url][/url] squeeze Release.gpg [1 672 B]        
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric Release.gpg           
      Funnet [url][/url] squeeze Release               
      Ign [url][/url] oneiric-security InRelease          
      Ign [url][/url] natty InRelease              
      Ign [url][/url] squeeze Release                
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric-updates Release.gpg       
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      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric Release             
      Ign [url][/url] oneiric InRelease               
      Ign [url][/url] oneiric InRelease               
      Ign [url][/url] oneiric InRelease               
      Ign [url][/url] squeeze/main Sources/DiffIndex         
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric-security Release.gpg       
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric-updates Release         
      Funnet [url][/url] natty Release.gpg            
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric Release.gpg             
      Ign [url][/url] oneiric InRelease               
      Ign [url][/url] oneiric InRelease               
      Ign [url][/url] oneiric Release.gpg              
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric/main Sources          
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric/restricted Sources       
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric/universe Sources        
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric/multiverse Sources       
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric/main i386 Packages       
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric-security Release         
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric/restricted i386 Packages    
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric/universe i386 Packages     
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric/multiverse i386 Packages    
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric/main TranslationIndex      
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric/multiverse TranslationIndex   
      Ign [url][/url] squeeze/main i386 Packages/DiffIndex      
      Funnet [url][/url] natty Release              
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric Release               
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric Release.gpg             
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric Release.gpg             
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric Release.gpg             
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric/restricted TranslationIndex   
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric/universe TranslationIndex    
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric-updates/main Sources      
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric-updates/restricted Sources   
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric-updates/universe Sources    
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric-security/main Sources       
      Funnet [url][/url] natty/partner Sources          
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric-updates/multiverse Sources   
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric-updates/main i386 Packages   
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric-updates/restricted i386 Packages
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric-updates/universe i386 Packages 
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric-updates/multiverse i386 Packages
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric/main Sources            
      Funnet [url][/url] squeeze/main TranslationIndex        
      Ign [url][/url] oneiric Release.gpg              
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric-security/restricted Sources    
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric-security/universe Sources     
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric-security/multiverse Sources    
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric-security/main i386 Packages    
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric-security/restricted i386 Packages 
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric-updates/main TranslationIndex  
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric-updates/multiverse TranslationIndex
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric-updates/restricted TranslationIndex
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric-updates/universe TranslationIndex
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric/main Translation-nb       
      Funnet [url][/url] natty/partner i386 Packages       
      Ign [url][/url] natty/partner TranslationIndex       
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric/main i386 Packages         
      Ign [url][/url] oneiric/main TranslationIndex         
      Ign [url][/url] oneiric Release                
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric Release               
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric Release               
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric/main Translation-en       
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric/multiverse Translation-nb    
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric/multiverse Translation-en    
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric/restricted Translation-nb    
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric/restricted Translation-en    
      Funnet [url][/url] squeeze/main Sources            
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric-security/universe i386 Packages  
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric-security/multiverse i386 Packages 
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric-security/main TranslationIndex  
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric-security/multiverse TranslationIndex
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric-security/restricted TranslationIndex
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric-security/universe TranslationIndex
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric/universe Translation-nb     
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric/universe Translation-en     
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric-updates/main Translation-en   
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric-updates/multiverse Translation-en
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric-updates/restricted Translation-en
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric Release               
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric-updates/universe Translation-en 
      Ign [url][/url] oneiric InRelease               
      Funnet [url][/url] squeeze/main i386 Packages         
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric-security/main Translation-en   
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric-security/multiverse Translation-en
      Ign [url][/url] oneiric Release                
      Ign [url][/url] oneiric/main TranslationIndex         
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric/main Sources            
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric/main i386 Packages         
      Ign [url][/url] oneiric/main TranslationIndex         
      Funnet [url][/url] squeeze/main Translation-nb         
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric-security/restricted Translation-en
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric/main Sources            
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric/main i386 Packages         
      Ign [url][/url] oneiric/main TranslationIndex         
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric/main Sources            
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric/main i386 Packages         
      Ign [url][/url] oneiric/main TranslationIndex         
      Ign [url][/url] oneiric/main TranslationIndex         
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric-security/universe Translation-en 
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric Release.gpg             
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric Release               
      Ign [url][/url] natty/partner Translation-nb_NO      
      Funnet [url][/url] oneiric/main i386 Packages         
      Feil [url][/url] oneiric/main Sources             
       404 Not Found
      Ign [url][/url] oneiric/main Translation-nb_NO         
      Feil [url][/url] oneiric/main i386 Packages          
       404 Not Found
      Ign [url][/url] natty/partner Translation-nb        
      Ign [url][/url] oneiric/main Translation-nb          
      Ign [url][/url] natty/partner Translation-en        
      Ign [url][/url] oneiric/main TranslationIndex         
      Feil [url][/url] oneiric/main Sources     
       404 Not Found
      Feil [url][/url] oneiric/main i386 Packages
       404 Not Found
      Ign [url][/url] oneiric/main Translation-en
      Ign [url][/url] oneiric/main Translation-nb_NO
      Ign [url][/url] oneiric/main Translation-nb
      Ign [url][/url] oneiric/main Translation-en
      Ign [url][/url] oneiric/main Translation-nb_NO
      Ign [url][/url] oneiric/main Translation-nb
      Ign [url][/url] oneiric/main Translation-en
      Ign [url][/url] oneiric/main Translation-nb_NO
      Ign [url][/url] oneiric/main Translation-nb
      Ign [url][/url] oneiric/main Translation-en
      Ign [url][/url] oneiric/main Translation-nb_NO
      Ign [url][/url] oneiric/main Translation-nb
      Ign [url][/url] oneiric/main Translation-en
      Ign [url][/url] oneiric/main Translation-nb_NO
      Ign [url][/url] oneiric/main Translation-nb
      Ign [url][/url] oneiric/main Translation-en
      Ign [url][/url] oneiric/main Translation-nb_NO
      Ign [url][/url] oneiric/main Translation-nb
      Ign [url][/url] oneiric/main Translation-en
      Hentet 1 672 B på 3s (512 B/s)
      W: GPG-feil: [url][/url] squeeze Release: De følgende signaturene kunne ikke verifiseres fordi den offentlige nøkkelen ikke er tilgjengelig: NO_PUBKEY AED4B06F473041FA
      W: Klarte ikke å skaffe [url][/url] 404 Not Found
      W: Klarte ikke å skaffe [url][/url] 404 Not Found
      W: Klarte ikke å skaffe [url][/url] 404 Not Found
      W: Klarte ikke å skaffe [url][/url] 404 Not Found
      E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.
      EDIT: apt-get upgrade says that there is 291 packages to upgrade, none to be removed and 32 to do nothing


        Re: Weird suggestions from software updater. It wants to remove almost everything

        Instead of sudo apt-get update, use sudo apt-get dist-upgrade instead. dist-upgrade handles changing dependencies while upgrade does not.
        Windows no longer obstructs my view.
        Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
        "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


          Re: Weird suggestions from software updater. It wants to remove almost everything

          Yes of corse, i forgot about that.

          Dist-upgrade tells me that theese packages will be removed:
          Følgende pakker vil bli FJERNET:
           acpi-support acpid alsa-base alsa-utils anacron apparmor apparmor-utils
           apport apport-kde at avahi-utils binfmt-support bluedevil bluez
           bluez-alsa bluez-cups brltty cdbs cmake cron cryptsetup cups
           cups-driver-gutenprint dh-translations friendly-recovery ftp
           gnome-bluetooth gnome-shell gnome-user-share gnucash hplip hplip-cups
           inssider intltool irqbalance kbd kdm kppp kubuntu-desktop lftp
           libfinance-quote-perl libnss-mdns librpc-xml-perl libxml-parser-perl
           linux-image-2.6.38-8-generic linux-sound-base lives lmms modemmanager
           network-manager network-manager-kde network-manager-pptp ntfs-3g ntpdate
           oss-compat pcmciautils plasma-widget-networkmanagement plymouth-label
           plymouth-manager plymouth-theme-kubuntu-logo plymouth-theme-kubuntu-text
           plymouth-theme-ubuntu-text postfix ppp pppconfig pppoeconf pptp-linux
           praat rsyslog samba telnet ubuntu-minimal ubuntu-standard ufw ureadahead
           wine wine1.2
          Any reason why it wants to remove them?

