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Setting the desktop backgrounds

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    Setting the desktop backgrounds

    Something seems to have changed recently in System Settings, and now I can't figure out how to set the desktop backgrounds. A search for "background" in the Systems Settings searchbox comes up with nothing. Furthermore, the box that used to be "Separate activities for each desktop" has become "Separate widgets for each desktop".

    What has happened? And how do I now set the background?

    Re: Setting the desktop backgrounds

    right click on desktop area, and select "Desktop Settings" (or folder view settings if folder type desktop)

    its no longer activites with kde 4.7 we now have proper activites. you can start and stop them to just spawn them when needed. look for the wiget its called "activity switcher" it looks like ⋯ but a red blue then green dot. you can use it to start activites. a few demo activites come with kde. you can also easily create you own activites.
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      Re: Setting the desktop backgrounds

      it is not very intuitive.

      In workspace behaviour/virtual desktops tick "different widgets for each desktop"

      Then for each desktop you can have the default(horos) wallpaper or set one for the particular face of the cube by

      right click on the face
      at the bottom of the box click "folder view settings"

      You can then navigate to an image with "open" or "get new wallpapers" will take you to KDE look and ""install default wallpapers" will take you to the repos.

      In any case you will see the new image appear in the box and you can then select it and it will be applied to that face.

      I realize that going to "folder view settings" is not very intuitive.


