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oneiric security and other updates

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    oneiric security and other updates

    Recently installed oneiric kubuntu - a great distribution, great KDE desktop! A really elementary question - how does one activate software security and other updates? (In gnome this is achieved by clicking a "a protective shield" icon).

    In the previously used KDE desktops the updates seemed to come automatically, without any prompting by the user (or perhaps surreptitious prompting by some user action?).

    I would like to keep my oneiric kubuntu up to date. How can I prompt the system to check if there are updates available? Does on have to use synaptic or what?

    I would greatly appreciate your advice.


    Re: oneiric security and other updates

    I don't think they have a software update service for KDE. At least I have never seen one.

    What I usually do is just drop to a shell periodically and apt-get update && apt-get [dist-]upgrade.

    If there is a notifier, I'm not aware of any.



      Re: oneiric security and other updates

      Kubuntu 11.10

      New from Kubuntu
      Muon Suite 1.2

      The Kubuntu team is proud to present our new suite of tools for installing and managing software. Installing of .deb packages, updating, and software management is all part of this new, integrated suite, specifically designed to work with Debian style package management...

      Muon Software Center
      Muon Package Manager

      Update notifications

      System Settings > Application and System Notifications: Event source -> System Notification

      Automatic updates

      Muon Software Center / Muon Package Manager > Settings > Configure Software Settings


      Alt+F2 and kdesudo software-properties-kde

      Updates tab > Automatic updates


      K > Applications > Help

      Kubuntu Forums:
      Have you tried ?

      - How to Ask a Question on the Internet and Get It Answered
      - How To Ask Questions The Smart Way


        Re: oneiric security and other updates

        Well, I'll be...

        The system notifications is enabled for update notification, however, for the last 3 to 4 versions of Kubuntu, I have never been notified of any updates. I usually, once a week or unless otherwise notified online, do a manual update && upgrade.

        I wonder why it doesn't work for me.

        On Mint KDE and Gnome 3 it has worked fine, but Mint has its own update software that sits in the tray.

        Interesting. Thanks for the info!



          Re: oneiric security and other updates

          Two fabulous contributions! "OneLine" gave a great reference to documentation and great suggestions for activating updates from GUI. A big vote of thank you to you!

          "LinuxRocks" - do not feel that your contribution was unimportant. For the record, your method of using CLI interface is probably the simplest way which I will try first - thank you too!

          I will try both methods and will enjoy scanning the documents. It will take me a little while, because I am really old, it is late night in my time zone and currently I am recovering from an eye surgery. All that really slows me down, so at this time I will just say thank you and good night.


