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Kubuntu 11.10 yate-qt4 no sound

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    Kubuntu 11.10 yate-qt4 no sound

    Hello guys.

    I installed 'yate-qt4' through the Muon Package manager and configured both an IAX and a SIP account. The only problem is, I can't seem to find where to configure the audio settings. I have put a check mark next to 'ringer' - supposedly this would ring if somebody called, but I tested and I can't hear any ring tone at all. I can see the incoming call if the window is focused but have no way of knowing it if it is not.

    Any idea on how to get this fixed? I don't seem to have other problems with sound, be it in flash videos (opera and firefox), movies (umplayer), or audio (qmmp via pulseaudio).

    Your help much appreciated, thank you in advance and have a good one.

    Re: Kubuntu 11.10 yate-qt4 no sound

    The only SIP phone I can get to work reliably is Twinkle. It provides full control of audio and it's very forgiving with its SIP server/proxy/account configuration. Other clients either can't make sense of the handshake from my employer's Avaya system, or can't handle that my Jabra headset's microphone operates at a bitrate different than the speaker, or -- as with Yate -- appear to expose no audio controls at all.


      Re: Kubuntu 11.10 yate-qt4 no sound

      Hello Steve,

      Thank you for recommending Twinkle. I just tried it out and yes, it does have all the configuration options you would expect from such a piece of software. I think it will do just fine for SIP calls, the problem is I need a program for IAX calls as well. I have two phones to use - SIP and IAX. Whether I connect to these services from a single program or not does not really matter, as long as I can get them to work. I just hoped it would be possible to configure yate-qt4 somehow, and it is convenient that it combines both. Anyone has any suggestions as to a working IAX softphone client then? I don't mean to pester...

      Thank you once more for getting back to me on this, much appreciated! Cheers everyone


        Re: Kubuntu 11.10 yate-qt4 no sound

        Well, one of the intended goals of PulseAudio is to eliminate the need for software authors to incorporate audio device controls into their apps. But, so far, this hasn't worked out so well. Yate seems totally unaware of Phonon's device preference mechanism.

        Can't help you with IAX, sorry, never used it.


          Re: Kubuntu 11.10 yate-qt4 no sound; installed SFLphone instead

          I also gave 'yate-gtk' a try to see if maybe the qt version was missing sound managing functionality, but that was not it. Went back and forth installing and removing yate and then went to find some alternatives.

          Stumbled upon this gem, which I had also encountered before but had forgotten since. This being a GTK application it is graphically less than pleasing, but it does support both SIP and IAX, while it also understands the tongue of PulseAudio it seems.

          In the features list on the page I noticed that a KDE client was supposed to exist. So I went to the project page, to find out more information about that. I somehow managed to clone the git repository, compile and install the 'sflphone-client-kde'. Well it does crash when I try to open the settings (good thing I already configured through the GTK client!), but will test some more tomorrow and see how this works out.

          Thank you, Steve, for your help in this matter!

          KDE client screenie:
          [img width=400 height=297][/img]


            Re: Kubuntu 11.10 yate-qt4 no sound

            Just wanted to follow up on how SFLphone fares. Well, actually it isn't of much use. The conversation over IAX I've had have shows that the other party cannot hear or does so but barely and with an echo -- regardless of whether "noise suppression" or "echo cancellation" are on/off.

            Also tried Kiax, but the situation is even worse - I can hear the other party but they cannot or just hear crackling noises. There is no source that I could find, so I was just using the compiled executable available on Sourceforge.

            And finally I also tried Zoiper, which again is just an executable. This one almost works as expected, but for the echo, but given the feedback it was not unbearably bad.

            And for SIP I just use QuteCom as it is also being used on my Windows install. Tried out Twinkle and I am sure it would work just as well, although did not test it in a conversation.

            So for the time being I don't believe I have a solution that works entirely to my satisfaction. Unless anyone has any suggestions, of course I guess I will have to stick with Windows while working, and only delve into the world of Kubuntu in the off-hours.

            I do appreciate every response, though, and otherwise feel this is a kind-hearted and warm community. Thank you all for being so helpful in this community.


              Re: Kubuntu 11.10 yate-qt4 no sound

              You've reached the same conclusion I have -- in KDE-land, we don't have a decent SIP phone right now. I use Twinkle only because it works. I have high hopes that as Telepathy-KDE matures, I'll be able to use that instead.

