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[SOLVED] Problems with Amarok exploring plugged usb devices

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    [SOLVED] Problems with Amarok exploring plugged usb devices


    When I plug my external usb drive (where I store my music library) a window pops up and I choose to open a file browser (the other option is open Gwenview), but Dolphin is not opened and instead Amarok begins to explore the drive looking for audio files.

    Occasionally this causes the system to slow down and eventually gets it locked for a while.

    I believe this is a bug: where should I report it?

    How can I work around this?


    Re: Problems with Amarok exploring plugged usb devices

    I don't think it's a bug. I think you have used System Settings > Workspace Appearance > File Associations to tell Dolphin to open your audio files with Amarok. That is what is happening when you click "Dolphin" on the notifier.


      Re: Problems with Amarok exploring plugged usb devices

      Also take a look at the settings under System Settings > Hardware > Device Actions -- probably it is set to play the files when the device is connected.


        Re: Problems with Amarok exploring plugged usb devices

        I have changed settings in file association for 'inode/directory' and made Dolphin the preferred application; Amarok is the preferred one by default.

        This also solves other issue: Firefox downloads window, right click and 'Open folder' did nothing but tried to open with Amarok. Now it is working properly.

        Well, this is a fresh install, I've not been playing with System Settings so the problem is the defaults. So at least I believe this should be reported as an enhancement to defaults. Where should I report? Launchpad or kde? I mean, is this a KDE issue or a Kubuntu one?



          Re: [SOLVED] Problems with Amarok exploring plugged usb devices

          On my Kubuntu 11.10 system, which has never had any change to SystemSettings > Common Appearance > File Associations, the inode/directory list says:


          In SystemSettings > Hardware > Device Actions, the default for Storage Access, Storage Drive, Storage Volume is Dolphin. For Storage Volume, it also has Download Photos with Gwenview. The only action for which Amarok is default is Play Audio CD.


            Re: [SOLVED] Problems with Amarok exploring plugged usb devices

            This is disconcerting.

            My defaults are:

            File association for inode/directory: Amarok, Dolphin, Konqueror, Gwenview.

            Device action for Optical disk: play cd audio with Amarok, command 'amarok --cdplay %25f'.
            Device action for Storage Volume: download photos with Gwenview, command 'gwenview_importer %25f'.
            Device action for Storage Access, Storage Drive, Storage Volume: file navigator, command 'kioclient exec %25f'.
            Device action for Storage Volume, Optical disk: file manager, command 'kioclient exec audiocd:/'.

            I have Kubuntu 11.10 64bits spanish, fresh install from live usb drive. Activity: new activity.

            Why do I have Amarok as first choice for 'inode/directory' by default

            This is not the first time I have this problem. In the past I tried kubuntu (maybe 10.10, I don't remember) and I had this very same problem and this was the reason I stopped using kubuntu, as every time I plugged my external drive the system slowed down and eventually got locked for a while which made my desktop totally unusable.

            This is perplexing and serious too.


              Re: [SOLVED] Problems with Amarok exploring plugged usb devices


              Depending on how much time you are willing to spend on the problem, it would be interesting to see what happens if you install the 11.10 English language version. If it sets up the correct defaults as I have stated them above, but the Spanish language version sets up the ones that you found, then the real bug is not Amarok or USB detection, it is the Kubuntu Spanish language packaging. "File Navigator" and "File Manager" in your hardware device actions looks like a translation of "Dolphin". But it should not translate it, it should name it correctly.

              It would also be interesting to know whether Ubuntu Spanish language has the same problem, or if it is only Kubuntu.


                Re: [SOLVED] Problems with Amarok exploring plugged usb devices

                Installing would be complicated in my case but I can try both 'live cd' versions, if that is useful. I'll try to find my time and will let you know.


                  Re: [SOLVED] Problems with Amarok exploring plugged usb devices

                  Both spanish and english Kubuntu Live from USB have Dolphin and Gweniew, in this order, file associations for inode/directory.

                  In my case, standard installation in spanish, made Amarok preferred application. It is not possible for me to do new installations, but according to your comment the installation does not behave the same.

                  I'm thinking of reporting this as a request for enhancement, what do you think?

