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Kubuntu 11.10 MP3 Music player: Rhythmbox

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    Kubuntu 11.10 MP3 Music player: Rhythmbox


    I'm posting this more as a "testimonial" / helpful hint [hopefully] for people rather than a question, but comments are certainly welcome. The central problem for why I have taken this step may in fact be a bug.

    As Amarok is the default media player, I used it to attempt to play music. After installing its packages, it defaults to a screen to install codecs, however there is not anything listed.

    Installing VLC brings codecs, however when I play mp3s with VLC it is very scratch (this is likely a separate issue from the one above). I tested asound, playing Front_Center.wav; it played perfectly with no scratchiness/noise.

    What worked for me was installing Rhythmbox. It is a great, robust player, imo; coming from somebody who has a very extensive music collection (like 80 GB of music). I collect music I have purchased, free music, as well as remixes I have collected over time, so I can appreciate a music player that can handle this in a quick manner without crashing or being buggy. I have used it on Kubuntu before and find it excellent on Gnome/XFCE/KDE distributions (have tested it on XFCE, not for long, so can't speak to lack of bugginess there).

    Anyways, if anybody is having problems with mp3's after an upgrade or whatever, I would give it a spin. It works good for getting the proper codecs installed.

    Rhythmbox used to "fix" the other players by installing codecs they would find (apparently this hasn't happened in Kubuntu 11.10 as I still have the same issues with the other 2 players listed).

    Also, if anybody has any comments or suggestions for the above issues, I would appreciate hearing about it (plus it would provide others with these problems a good resource).

    Re: Kubuntu 11.10 MP3 Music player: Rhythmbox

    Rhythmbox is a very good music player but I find audacious to be better for playing CD's than either Rhythmbox or Amarok. Both Rhythmbox and Amarok are good for streaming audio and playing audio files on your computer but for playing CD's I audacious plays them like a proper CD player whereas Rhythmbox places gaps in between the tracks and I could not get Amarok to play CD's at all.


      Re: Kubuntu 11.10 MP3 Music player: Rhythmbox

      Originally posted by nickstonefan
      Rhythmbox is a very good music player but I find audacious to be better for playing CD's than either Rhythmbox or Amarok. Both Rhythmbox and Amarok are good for streaming audio and playing audio files on your computer but for playing CD's I audacious plays them like a proper CD player whereas Rhythmbox places gaps in between the tracks and I could not get Amarok to play CD's at all.
      Yup, I have tried other music players. For example, one lesser known but very feature-rich player is Guayadeque. It's a newer player, now usually in the repository (aptitude search guayadeque OR apt-cache search guayadeque). It is very feature rich and highly customizable. When I get a chance, will probably un-install Amarok and install Guayadeque just to have a working backup to Rhythmbox.


        Re: Kubuntu 11.10 MP3 Music player: Rhythmbox

        I have yet to find a music player that incorporates the plugin's available in Audacious or Aqualung (more specifically the LADSPA plugins) and the ability for GUI customization such as is available for Songbird. And of course it would need these two components; Lyrics and Album cover display**from mp3/ogg files - not just downloaded and stored separately. The ability to edit the lyrics, covers and other tags in the music files would be necessary too. Last but not least the ability to play multiple formats including online streaming and CD's.

        This combination of features for me, would be the ultimate audio player.

        Many of the features available in the various audio players such as web-store or online storage integration would be great optional add-ons too.

        If anyone knows if such a music player already exists please tell me. I have yet to find it. The closest I got was Songbird but they ditched us Linux users. So now I mainly use Audacious and Clementine.


          Re: Kubuntu 11.10 MP3 Music player: Rhythmbox

          Originally posted by dtr
          I have yet to find a music player that incorporates the plugin's available in Audacious or Aqualung (more specifically the LADSPA plugins) and the ability for GUI customization such as is available for Songbird.
          I will have to give these a try when I get a chance.

          Originally posted by dtr
          And of course it would need these two components; Lyrics and Album cover display**from mp3/ogg files - not just downloaded and stored separately. The ability to edit the lyrics, covers and other tags in the music files would be necessary too. Last but not least the ability to play multiple formats including online streaming and CD's.

          This combination of features for me, would be the ultimate audio player.
          Yeah, I understand your point of wanting everything in one. I know it would be nice if programs came as we needed them without customization, but on the other hand, it is always a pain when someone has made a program too rigid in nature and features due expecting the program to "be exactly what people need". Then people end up having different needs. It's better, imo, to have as basic and robust a "surface" as possible with all the necessary options to customize it to people's individual needs.

          Anyways, Guayadeque has more features out of the box than any music player on a *nix OS I know of (though I haven't tried all of the above listed by you). If you are looking for something that has "it all", try it out. Last I installed it, it added all my music files surprisingly fast and played them with ease. Hopefully it works well (codecs and all) with Kubuntu.

          It also has built-in lyric support, ability to edit, etc; album support (manual, automatic, ...).


          Originally posted by dtr
          Many of the features available in the various audio players such as web-store or online storage integration would be great optional add-ons too.

          If anyone knows if such a music player already exists please tell me. I have yet to find it. The closest I got was Songbird but they ditched us Linux users. So now I mainly use Audacious and Clementine.
          Yeah, it's sad how easy it is to use robust programming habits that actually end up saving lots of money. Companies that develop software think that different platforms is multiples of the cost (by requiring parallel teams or additional members). But, actually, if they use a programming platform that enables "automatic" compilation on various platforms, the work necessary to get said program working on all those platforms is very neglible. The QT programming toolkit is a perfect example of this, though there are plenty more (TK, GTK, etc).


            Re: Kubuntu 11.10 MP3 Music player: Rhythmbox


            As I mentioned in another thread, I'm really beginning to like Bangarang.


