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K 11.10 how to compile firefox 7 from tarbz2

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    K 11.10 how to compile firefox 7 from tarbz2

    i am trying to figure out how to install firefox 7.0.1. FF 8 didn't support a lot of my add ons, i wish i would have known that before i updated. so i downloaded the tarball and extracted it. i can run it from the firefox directory in my home file. i can't figure out how to get it to appear in my apps menu. any help would be appreciated, i'm not a techie but i'm learning.

    Re: K 11.10 how to compile firefox 7 from tarbz2

    you can open muon and search firefox ...... click it and then the version tab ...........then click the 7 ver then the force version button and then apply changes .


    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
    16GB RAM
    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


      Re: K 11.10 how to compile firefox 7 from tarbz2

      just tried that, it installed ff8. i unistalled it and ff7.0.1 still works from my home/user/firefox directory. all i want to be able to do is link the ff exe to an icon in the apps internet menu. when i had 8 installed ghostery and other addons wouldn't work and some sites i go to won't work either.


        Re: K 11.10 how to compile firefox 7 from tarbz2

        can i force install from konsole using sudo apt-get and linking to the file i have 7.0.1 stored in? something like sudo apt-get install firefox -c --/user/firefox or do i need to link it to the tarbz2?


          Re: K 11.10 how to compile firefox 7 from tarbz2

          Rather than downgrading to an older version of Firefox, you might try installing the Add-on Compatibility Reporter. This disables the version check; many add-ons will run fine. If the add-on in question truly can't run in version 8, it will still be disabled.

