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Kolourpaint messed up after upgrading to 11.10

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    Kolourpaint messed up after upgrading to 11.10

    Hi Kubuntu Forums.

    Been using KDE for a while now and I really like where it's going. A program I often use for simpler image editing is Kolourpaint. It has almost always worked perfectly but ever since I upgraded to Kubuntu 11.10 Kolourpaint looks messed up and many features doesn't work properly anymore.

    This is what it looks like when I start it up now:

    Normally the tools bar is to the left, but now it has moved to the top. And I'm not a fan of the big blue border that indicates image size.

    I have tried removing the kolourpaint package and reinstalling kolourpaint4 but it's no different.

    Can anyone help me restore Kolourpaint to it's previous state or perhaps help me install a slightly older version?

    Re: Kolourpaint messed up after upgrading to 11.10


    I use KolourPaint for one and, and only one purpose, and that is to easily fill with transparency. It has had "problems" for quite a while now, although the present iteration, for me, seems to be working ok, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

    When I had problems with it before I type in console:

    Kolourpaint --visual LowColor

    or alternative with;


    Please note the space BEFORE the two dashes and then NO space between them and the word visual.

    Hope this helps a little.



      Re: Kolourpaint messed up after upgrading to 11.10

      Hi tried your tip but unfortunately it made no apparent difference

      I also get a few errors trying Low/HighColor. No errors when just typing kolourpaint:

      konsolkongen@konsolkongen-Desktop:~$ kolourpaint --visual LowColor
      X Error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) 3
       Major opcode: 20 (X_GetProperty)
       Resource id: 0x5a000ae
      X Error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) 3
       Major opcode: 20 (X_GetProperty)
       Resource id: 0x5a00012
      konsolkongen@konsolkongen-Desktop:~$ kolourpaint --visual HighColor
      X Error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) 3
       Major opcode: 20 (X_GetProperty)
       Resource id: 0x5a000ae
      X Error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) 3
       Major opcode: 20 (X_GetProperty)
       Resource id: 0x5a00012
      konsolkongen@konsolkongen-Desktop:~$ kolourpaint


        Re: Kolourpaint messed up after upgrading to 11.10

        Perhaps I should just do a fresh install of 11.10. That would probably solve this problem


          Re: Kolourpaint messed up after upgrading to 11.10

          I don't know, possibly yes.



            Re: Kolourpaint messed up after upgrading to 11.10

            I'll do that. It's not like it takes more than 20 minutes and I should make a CD of the new version anyway. I was probably just very unlucky that something messed up Kolourpaint during the upgrade


              Re: Kolourpaint messed up after upgrading to 11.10

              I just did a reinstall of Kubuntu 11.10. Kept my /home partition of course and unfortunately Kolourpaint still doesn't work. Makes me wonder if there is some old settings stored somewhere in my home folder that is messing it up.

              Any ideas?


                Re: Kolourpaint messed up after upgrading to 11.10

                This might be of interest of someone else having the same problem. I tested kolourpaint on my netbook with kubuntu 11.10 and the same problems appear here as well. So I think it's safe to say that the current version of kolourpaint is buggy somehow.

                I found the 4.6.5 version and installed that instead and it appears to be working fine on 11.10

                Can someone please help me disable automatic updates of kolourpaint4?

