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KDE colours not applied to GTK apps when launched via hotkey

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    KDE colours not applied to GTK apps when launched via hotkey

    I have a strange problem since I installed my new Kubuntu 11.10. I created a few global hotkeys that launch certain applications (like Firefox or Claws-Mail). After login, when I hit the hotkey, the apps are not showing the colours I selected in the KDE control panel. Instead, they show the default GTK theme and colours. If I start them via terminal, the quicklaunch (Alt+F2), the menu or an icon on the desktop, I have the colours I selected in the KDE control panel. It only occurs when started via hotkey. If I open the system settings, edit the hotkey and hit "Apply", then the colours suddenly work. Restarting the "keyboard service" has the same effect. But both only last until the next time I log in. Then the colours are gone again.

    I am a bit at a loss here, so any help to track this problem down would be appreciated.