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Different panels in different activities

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    Different panels in different activities

    Alright, I'm new to these forums, so.. yeah.
    I've been googleing and I've search the forums, but come up with nothing.

    Anyway, my problem is that I have a bunch of activities set up, but I don't want to have the default panel in one of them.
    This should be possible because panels are a kind of widget, and I can put widgets in different activities. I also can put windows in different activities. I've right clicked on just about everything and looked at every single setting, but there seems to be no way.
    Does anyone know of a way to do this.

    Re: Different panels in different activities

    you might possibly create panels on different workspaces or on one workspace, and place them on different sides, like I keep a panel on the right side, and then click that panel and apply the item you want.

    However, the panel linkys will go away on reboot, that can be taken care of in a script someplace but I'm not enough of a guru to know where.

    If you "constrain" the panel then you can have it be rather small, like I keep Cairo Dock on the bottom and the panel itself on the top but also keep a panel on the right that is about one fifth of the screen space and put different activity links there, like I have GIMP in it right now.

    don't know that this answers your question but it might be a start.

    i'm sure that someone much smarter than me will be along shortly to help.



      Re: Different panels in different activities

      Ok, maybe I didn't explain myself that well, or I don't understand something. I just switched from Gnome to KDE, so I'm not sure about everything.

      There is something called Activity Manager, which seems to me to show only certain windows (like a workspace). W in one "activity", for example "School", I can have a email widget open, and when I'm in my "Desktop" activity, I have a system monitor widget.
      Each of these activities has different workspaces I think, or at least it acts like it.
      What I want to do is add another activity, say, "Internet", that doesn't have the default bottom panel, while the other two, "School" and "Desktop" do. I'm able to do this with non panel widgets, like the e-mail widget or the system monitor widget, but I can't find a way to do this with panels.


        Re: Different panels in different activities


        somebody above my pay grade will have to answer this one.



          Re: Different panels in different activities

          If you want to have different widgets and wallpapers for each virtual desktop, you need to right click on the Pager icon on the panel, select Pager Settings, Virtual Desktops and tick Different widgets for each desktop. Having said that, it's perfectly possible that I don't understand your question.


            Re: Different panels in different activities

            The OP desires unique Panels in each Activity, and that I think, isn't doable.
            Windows no longer obstructs my view.
            Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
            "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


              Re: Different panels in different activities

              correct, it isn't doable, which is a shame as iirc it was doable in the very early versions of KDE4. There, activities were terrible to configure/use, so maybe that was one area that was the cause?


                Re: Different panels in different activities

                Yeah, Snowhog is right.
                That's unfortunate. It seems like it should be easy enough to implement. It probably would be pretty easy to emulate if I could make my own widgets. Do you guys know how to do that?

                Oh well, thanks for the help.


                  Re: Different panels in different activities

                  It will give different widgets but a panel ends up on all workspaces

