After the post(another thread) about Bangarang, I decide to put Oneric Kubuntu on a hard drive and see what happened.
To put it in a single sentence: almost effortless, as near to zero config as I have seen.
a) the live DVD did not see the wireless but as soon as the install was done and rebooted it found the wireless and configured it.
b) The usb printer was set up automatically and the HP Laserjet 6P was done with the usual minimal effort.
c) Nepomuk was running strigi had to be turned on with one click.
d) Bangarang SELF configured and in VERY fast time. It tried to load codecs etc. but complained that they were not available. Muon provided Kubu restricted extras and Gstreamer ffmpeg etc. but I had to install synaptic to get at just plain ffmpeg and then Bangarang did, indeed, configure itself to play mpegs, .pls everything... I mean...really....SELF configure?
Now it could be argued that Amarok and Clementine are already configured but it USED TO BE in Linux that it was all about choice, (choose what YOU want) it might be that you don't want ffmpeg..... and minimalism... "one app for one job"...
Bangarang is getting more intresting every day, to me that is. And since it is DESIGNED to be integrated with Nepomuk/strigi and it hooked into them in the background....that is impressive!
And as Porky Pig usedta say at the cartoon's end.....thhhaaaat's all folks!
Ubu Oneric with Unity was more work than this...
So... cut to the chase.... The Kubuntu version of Oneric is the most effortless of any distro that I have installed yet.
Great job developers!
To put it in a single sentence: almost effortless, as near to zero config as I have seen.
a) the live DVD did not see the wireless but as soon as the install was done and rebooted it found the wireless and configured it.
b) The usb printer was set up automatically and the HP Laserjet 6P was done with the usual minimal effort.
c) Nepomuk was running strigi had to be turned on with one click.
d) Bangarang SELF configured and in VERY fast time. It tried to load codecs etc. but complained that they were not available. Muon provided Kubu restricted extras and Gstreamer ffmpeg etc. but I had to install synaptic to get at just plain ffmpeg and then Bangarang did, indeed, configure itself to play mpegs, .pls everything... I mean...really....SELF configure?
Now it could be argued that Amarok and Clementine are already configured but it USED TO BE in Linux that it was all about choice, (choose what YOU want) it might be that you don't want ffmpeg..... and minimalism... "one app for one job"...
Bangarang is getting more intresting every day, to me that is. And since it is DESIGNED to be integrated with Nepomuk/strigi and it hooked into them in the background....that is impressive!
And as Porky Pig usedta say at the cartoon's end.....thhhaaaat's all folks!
Ubu Oneric with Unity was more work than this...
So... cut to the chase.... The Kubuntu version of Oneric is the most effortless of any distro that I have installed yet.
Great job developers!