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Cant enable desktop effects

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    Cant enable desktop effects

    I've installed the ati drivers 11.10 x64. I'm trying to enable Desktop Effects but it says me that all the efects cant activate.
    Could you help me please?
    Thanks and sorry for my english!

    Re: Cant enable desktop effects

    we can't help you if you don't provide us some useful info mainly your video card and driver info.
    Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
    (top of thread: thread tools)


      Re: Cant enable desktop effects

      I suspect he's having the same problem I am. When I go to "Desktop Effects" in "System Settings," I see the following error message:
      Desktop effects are not available on this system due to the following technical issues:

      Required X extensions (XComposite and XDamage) are not available.
      I have been unable to find any way to install these mysteriously missing items, and thus enable desktop effects.

      My video card is an Nvidia GeForce 9800 GTX+, and I'm using the 32-bit 285.05.09 drivers.


        Re: Cant enable desktop effects

        Originally posted by Objekt
        I suspect he's having the same problem I am. When I go to "Desktop Effects" in "System Settings," I see the following error message:
        Desktop effects are not available on this system due to the following technical issues:

        Required X extensions (XComposite and XDamage) are not available.
        I have been unable to find any way to install these mysteriously missing items, and thus enable desktop effects.

        My video card is an Nvidia GeForce 9800 GTX+, and I'm using the 32-bit 285.05.09 drivers.
        i take it you have installed your drivers via the additional driver program>? im not sure about nvidia but when it created your xorg.conf it may have left them out. if you google your error you will find tons of solutions idk if they will work for you but it might. if possible try another driver there might be something wrong with that version.
        Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
        (top of thread: thread tools)


          Re: Cant enable desktop effects

          kdesudo jockey-kde
          sudo apt-get install mesa-utils
          More info please
          Registered Linux User 545823


            Re: Cant enable desktop effects

            Originally posted by sithlord48
            i take it you have installed your drivers via the additional driver program>? im not sure about nvidia but when it created your xorg.conf it may have left them out. if you google your error you will find tons of solutions idk if they will work for you but it might. if possible try another driver there might be something wrong with that version.
            No, I installed the drivers manually, through the command line. Jockey-kde would only install really, really old drivers, and I wanted something more current.

            I've Googled the problem before, and found nothing useful. Which is why I posted here.


              Re: Cant enable desktop effects

              Does glxgears run?
              What is the output of glxinfo?

              you might want to uninstall your gfx driver, add this ppa and use jockey to intall the drivers
              Registered Linux User 545823


                Re: Cant enable desktop effects

                If you've installed them manually did you follow the instructions from amd to install them correctly? It is quite a fiddly process which in my opinion isn't worth the hassle. I don't have an amd card any more but I do remember you had to remove the previous ATI install before reinstalling.

                Try looking in /usr/share/ati

                There should be an uninstall script something like

                if there is then run:

                sudo sh ./

                Then install the new driver:

                sudo sh ./ati-driver-installer*

                Then configure:

                sudo /usr/bin/aticonfig --initial

                Then reboot.

                Please double check these instruction with ATI /AMD and good luck.

