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no sound in flash after oneiric upgrade

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    no sound in flash after oneiric upgrade

    After the natty-to-oneiric upgrade, I observe a sound problem in the browser - most likely related to flash. I have tested both youtube videos and mp3 streamers, both are equally mute. Other sounds (system notification, amarok) work fine.

    Here are some details. I run firefox 7.01, and according to aboutlugins, I am using from
    Shockwave Flash 11.0 r1. I did a reinstall of the flash plugin (package adobe-flashplugin from the oneiric repository), but to no avail.

    I used to have other sound problems in the past, which were related to having the wrong sound channel attached to the earphone plug. Anyway, I think I figured this one out but it does not help with the flash problem. If I look at the 'playback streams' in the mixer applet, I notice that the amarok sound is indicated as a stream on its own (called Amarok: 'song title') while playing sound in the browser creates another stream called 'ALSA plugin [plugin container] ALSA playback'. And yes, this stream is not muted and has a non-zero volume set.

    I must admit that I am a total idiot when it comes to sound, I could not tell a PHONON from an ALSA or a PULSE-AUDIO.

    any idea what I could do?

    Re: no sound in flash after oneiric upgrade

    the most common reason for no sound in flash, while having sound in other things like amarok is usually becasue the "pcm" volume is either muted or turned down to a very low volume , use the program alsamixer (you might have to install it first. use konsole to run it) look to see if your pcm volume is muted or at a very low volume.
    Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
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      Re: no sound in flash after oneiric upgrade

      Thanks for the idea, but this was not the problem. I ran alsamixer (was already installed) but the pcm level was at 100%.

      I noticed that the 2nd column is called 'Headphone' and is at 0%. Not sure if this is related to my problem (I am listining via headphone plugged into the jack at the front panel of the computer). In any case, I don't see a way to increase this value.


        Re: no sound in flash after oneiric upgrade [SOLVED]

        I (kind of) solved the problem, after a lot of (unhelpful) googling. I created a fake user on my machine and noticed that sound did work there. The problem was not in the .mozilla tree, as I initially suspected, but rather in a folder called .pulse
        After renaming the folder, it was automaticall re-created at the next login and voila, there was the flash sound.

        I still have no idea what the .pulse folder is all about and why the problem started after the oneiric upgrade, but I consider this issue solved.

        Thanks to all who helped!


          Re: no sound in flash after oneiric upgrade

          any . folder in your home folder is usually for per user settings or files. sounds like maybe your settings for pulse got botched.
          Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
          (top of thread: thread tools)



            Thanks for posting back what the issue was. I had exactly the same thing here. I got sound in everything except my browser. Renaming .pulse and letting the system create a new one solved my issue right away.

            Much thanks for sharing that with us!

            Linux: Powerful, open, elegant. Its all I use.

