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Post installation thoughts - upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10

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    Post installation thoughts - upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10

    First I did a test install, clean, on an external sata drive. Seemed to go well enough. So today while the football game was on I upgraded my 11.04 main to 11.10. I normally do clean installs, but decided to try an upgrade. Something I haven't done in several years.

    I think that purely considering the time it took, I probably should have just done a clean install. Upgrade started at 2pm local time and rebooted to new install desktop at about 5:20pm. So almost 3 and a half hours to upgrade.

    I then added the kubuntu ppa and updated. Another.... oh maybe half hour or so. Then I still had to fuss with a couple of my desktop widgets, probably due to some resolution changes during install or something. Play with getting rid of the Mail Dispatcher Agent notification thing (10 minutes or so of screwing around logging out and back in, etc). Normally I would just save a copy of my entire home directory on the eSata external and then wipe / and /home and reinstall clean. Then I reinstall apps, start them once, and then pull over whatever files I need from my backed up home directory. (like the firefox configurations and thunderbird, etc).

    By contrast, the clean install I did on the external sata drive for testing was ready for business as usual in about an hour, maybe hour and a half tops. That does NOT count the time to download the desktop CD and make the bootable USB stick.

    I still haven't gone through all of my apps and tested everything, but mail and browsing work, digikam is installed and working. All-in-all I think when the 12.04 LTS comes out, I'll go back to doing clean installs. Not because it takes so much less time, but because I can break up the time it DOES take (download the ISO and make a bootable USB stick, back up home directory, install new Kubuntu, set up whatever apps I need most really quick, fuss with less important stuff when I get around to it).

    This was a really smooth upgrade I think.... as upgrades go. But I think I prefer my previous method of installing clean.
    Just my 2 cents. Personal preference and observations of the procedure.

    Just noticed my network thingie in the try now actually shows my wired connection and let's me CONFIGURE it! Woo-hoo!

    Re: Post installation thoughts - upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10

    the speed is probably everyone on the world upgrading this weekend slowing down the servers.

    It is nice to hear your upgrade went smoothly. With decent internet speeds, the choice is one of personal preference for most folks.

    I have done both (pre-final release) and the upgrade was pretty quick, so that machine took a lot less time overall as I didn't have to reinstall all my added software. I am sure that will improve as the load lessens. It takes me a long time to download the iso on my slow dsl, so that is an added factor


      Re: Post installation thoughts - upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10

      I do not think updating from a ppa should be counted as part of the upgrade, the kubuntu applications are already included in the upgrade.

      PS> right at release time, use bit-torrent for download and install from DVD instead of using the online repositories. Bit-torrent spreads kubuntu love around the net like a viral infection


        Re: Post installation thoughts - upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10

        I did mine a little differently this time - upgraded with the PPAs in place. I waited a few days just to make sure all the PPAs had everything loaded and that network traffic eased up a little bit, then did this -

        sudo sed -i 's/natty/oneiric/g' /etc/apt/sources.list

        sudo find /etc/apt/sources.list.d -type f -exec sed -i 's/natty/oneiric/g' {} \;

        sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

        The only issue I had was one PPA didn't have an oneiric section yet but it just threw an error during apt-get update and was easy to fix - and I did go into /etc/apt/sources.list.d and rename all the files, but it worked really well and I got a clean upgrade in one operation.
        we see things not as they are, but as we are.
        -- anais nin

