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Several Errors appear following Reboot

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    Several Errors appear following Reboot

    Following my upgrade from 11.04 on my notebook, I had use of 11.10 for about a day, then noticed several errors would appear when I rebooted the computer.

    First, I get the Kubuntu splash screen, but it just sits there waiting for a network connection. I'll get an error message "waiting for network configuration...", then "waiting up to 60 seconds for network configuration".

    The notebook is currently plugged into the wired network connection.

    Then I'll get the brief Nvidia splash screen, followed by the logon prompt.

    Once I log on, I get the following errors..

    "warning: Cannot open ConsoleKit session: Unable to open session: Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: Connection Refused"

    Clicking the "ok" button makes that go away, but then the three errors appear...

    "The Plasma desktop Shell closed unexpectedly" (Executable: plasma-desktop PID: 2163 Signal Segmentation fault (11)

    "KDE Daemon closed unexpectedly" ( Executable: kdeinit4 PID: 2122 Signal Segmentation fault (11)

    Then one more error message appears, but it goes by too fast to get it in print!

    Closing out the error boxes leaves me with a black screen. My only option is to ALT+F2, "kdesudo init 6" and reboot, which brings up the exact same sequence.

    I went into recovery mode seeing if I could fix broken packages, but there were none. There were also no packages that needed to be updated.

    Suggestions on where to begin? Thanks!

    Re: Several Errors appear following Reboot

    A wild suggestion, get in there (with a Live CD/ USB) and rename ~/.kde, then reboot.

    This often fixes corrupted configurations for kdm, kde etc.
    But because you already get an error before reaching the log-in I call it a 'wild' suggestion.
    Anyhow, trying doesn't hurt the system.


      Re: Several Errors appear following Reboot

      You're referring to the directory that is within the /home, correct? I'm having a permission problem, can't rename it, and can't figure out how to go sudo from a live CD!


        Re: Several Errors appear following Reboot

        Ah yes, a good question.
        The easy answer is that on a Live CD sudo doesn't need a password

        So open a terminal (konsole) and do:
        sudo dolphin
        And away you go! 8)


          Re: Several Errors appear following Reboot

          My first check when I get log-in errors is my home directory. Often, I inadvertently did something as root and left a file in my home not owned by me.

          Consolekit could be failing because dbus daemon is not running or because of a failed update to consolekit.

          Reading through your logs in /var/log might reveal something.

          In this order I would:
          Verify dbus is running: ps aux |grep dbus
          Verify all files in my home are not owned by root: ls -la ~/* |grep root
          Re-install consolekit: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install --reinstall consolekit

          Please Read Me


            Re: Several Errors appear following Reboot

            First, renaming the .kde had no effect. Kubuntu recreated the .kde and pressed on with the same errors. But you said it was a wild shot, so that's cool!

            Then typing in oshunluvr's commands gets the following outputs.

            ps aux |grep dbus
            OUTPUT - root 679 0.0 0.0 12000 896 tty1 S+ 04:40 0:00 grep --color=auto dbus

            ls -la ~/* |grep root
            OUTPUT - ls: cannot access /root/*: No such file or directory

            sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install --reinstall consolekit
            OUTPUT - Lots of errors here. The main one seems to be that the Internet connection simply doesn't exist! There are lights on by the Wired connection, but it can't fetch anything.

            Since it's dual boot - I jumped over to the windows side to verify the hardware is working, and Windows successfully access the Internet.

            I went to recovery mode, and selected the root with networking option.


              Re: Several Errors appear following Reboot

              Ah I hadn't understood you could get to the command line, that's why I suggested the CD. :P

              Running ifconfig in the terminal will give you more info on the network, when no IP no's are shown it's down.

              It is possible to set up a WIFI network connection from the command line:

              $ sudo iwlist wlan0 scan
              # This will list the available ESSID's like 'my connection'.
              $ sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid 'my connection'.
              # This should connect to 'my connection'.
              $ sudo dhclient wlan0
              # This will set up the DNS.

              # In case of WPA security:
              $ wpa_passphrase YOURSSID YOURWIFIPASSWORD

              Now you should have access and you can try to reinstall consolekit.


                Re: Several Errors appear following Reboot

                You are logged in as root? The error from command 2 shows you are.

                If you're able to log in as root, you've obviously made some changes to your system. This might explain the permission problems you're having.

                Please Read Me


                  Re: Several Errors appear following Reboot

                  This time I let it boot into the system, cleared out the errors, started at the black screen (ha!), then opened up the konsole (ALT+F2)

                  The first command gave me this..

                  wlan0 Interface doesn't support scanning : Network is down

                  I don't have an extra USB wired adapter I could use, so I have to operate off the internal one.


                    Re: Several Errors appear following Reboot

                    Output #1 from above shows that dbus isn't running. I haven't encountered a situation where I had to dbug dbus (heh), but I suspect fixing that would be high priority.


                      Re: Several Errors appear following Reboot

                      Solution was to reformat and start over. Not sure where the breakdown was during the upgrade, but a clean install wiped out whatever problem there was.

                      So out of three upgrades this weekend, only one tanked. Not too bad!


                        Re: Several Errors appear following Reboot

                        I had this exact problem and was able to resolve it this morning.

                        It has to do with daemons being transitioned from the /var/run directories to /run

                        There is an ubuntu bug report filed that details the behavior..and a fix.


                        The answer can be found in reply #9.

                        Basically, creating sym links from /var/run and /var/lock to /run and /run/lock.

                        Hope this helps the next person.

