i just installed updates for 11.10 on my HP g71 notebook. dual core Pentium T4300 2.10ghz. linux 3.0.0-12, kde 4.7.2. now my fan is running all the time and making a terrible racket. my core temp used to run around 125 Fahrenheit and is now running at about 95 to 105 or so when idle, which is good i guess. the prob is the fan running constantly and the noise it is making is really loud, vibrating so that i can feel it when i touch the computer. i've searched google for the issue and can't find much beyond technical jarb on changing the fan speed, which i can't figure out how to do. being somewhat of a newb i'm going to need a little help with this in simple language. i did blow out the fan vents and that didn't help. i really don't want to take this thing apart, really involved job to get at the mother board. i believe the update did this because it was fine before, though running a little warm. any help would be appreciated. thanks