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System Settings missing modules

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    System Settings missing modules

    I first noticed there was an error while trying to change touchpad settings (doesn't affect keyboard/mouse).
    I have since noticed similar errors in printer config and user config

    I figured attaching the screenshots would be clearly than trying to type it all out
    Anyone else getting this?

    All the related packages are installed and have been removed and re-installed etc

    Alpha 3 32-bit install fully upgraded to date. An earlier 64-bit install had the same problems.
    Attached Files

    Re: System Settings missing modules

    the modules may be temorarily missing/broken or simply have not yet finished compiling on the build servers.

    Either wait a short while for it to resolve, or file a bug report on the issue. Don't assume the dev's know about it, sometimes they may not see it immediately.


      Re: System Settings missing modules

      Yea, just prefer to try to get some confirmation that it isn't just a problem my end or something I've done.

      Not sure what to file a bug against, system settings itself or the individual modules?


        Re: System Settings missing modules

        Hmm, looking around various bug reports, seems this problem has been cropping up since at least 2008 with various fixes released and various workarounds (not working here).

        To be honest I have had none stop problems with kubuntu oneiric so it's probably better to just leave off it a bit.
        It's impossible to even test it realistically since it crashes so much there's no way of knowing what problem is related to what so I can't even provide any constructive feedback of any kind.


          Re: System Settings missing modules

          well you can keep it updated, and see if things are fixed - it is a development pre-release , and also upgrading I don't believe is supported at this time anyway, that comes much later in the process once everything is 'frozen' software-wise, which allows them to tweak the upgrade process as needed.


            Re: System Settings missing modules

            Yes, that is what I was intending.
            Don't get me wrong, I'm certainly not complaining about the issues and I don't expect any kind of stability, just that to properly test something you need a certain degree if usability unless you are testing a specific thing.

            Basically the system crashes on login, I get countless crashes from plasma and something as simple as opening an app kicks me back to login about 1 in 3 times.
            It then crashes again on logout/shutdown

            It doesn't seem other people are having this many problems but like I said, a 64-bit install as well as an upgraded from Natty suffered in the same way so I believe it may be related to my hardware.


              Re: System Settings missing modules

              The three modules that are not working for you are all python modules, so it's probably a version mismatch in the python modules.

              I've seen that before, it'll probably be fixed before the release.


                Re: System Settings missing modules

                Same for me too.
                Locale -> sytem languages gives similar error.

                Using Kubuntu 17.10 64Bit


                  Re: System Settings missing modules

                  Originally posted by kubicle
                  The three modules that are not working for you are all python modules, so it's probably a version mismatch in the python modules.

                  I've seen that before, it'll probably be fixed before the release.
                  should be fixed now, with the latest python-kde4 package


                    Re: System Settings missing modules

                    Originally posted by kubicle
                    Originally posted by kubicle
                    The three modules that are not working for you are all python modules, so it's probably a version mismatch in the python modules.

                    I've seen that before, it'll probably be fixed before the release.
                    should be fixed now, with the latest python-kde4 package
                    Yes that's fixed it for me!

                    Using Kubuntu 17.10 64Bit


                      Re: System Settings missing modules

                      The same symptoms are also reported in this thread, but only for the printer module:
                      I also have this problem with the printer module on Natty (but the other modules are fine).
                      There is also a bug report on launchpad:

                      On both of my Natty boxes this problem persists since about two weeks. It has been mentioned before that it may be a problem with the python version; I tried changing the default python interpreter from 2.7 to 2.6, but to no avail. Now I have KDE 4.7 from the launchpad backports, but the problem actually started with KDE 4.6.2 (?) from the regular backports.

                      My standard python interpreter (first in search path) is the Enthought Python Distro - will this cause problems? (I also tried the standard version from repos once (2.6 & 2.7), but it did not help.)


