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KDE 4.70

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    Re: KDE 4.70

    Originally posted by bsniadajewski
    Well, I have upgraded to Oneiric. I have found no showstoppers yet, and everything is running smoothly.
    I was getting a few crashes on startup and shutdown but now the upgrade to 4.70 is virtually complete those crashes happen no more. Oneiric seems a little faster than my Natty installation and the screen fonts are also little better. I don't know if that's an intended improvement between the versions or something I have tweaked a little differently. It's a shame that despite a figure of 12,000 bugs being fixed, so say the release notes, a few very obvious ones exist.

    Anyway, I'm confident that Oneiric/KDE 4.70 is going to be very well received.


      Re: KDE 4.70

      my test systems (6 in all) All run faster AND cooler on oneiric. I believe this ones will be a great one for kubuntu


        Re: KDE 4.70

        I should say that, before the upgrade, my system monitor widget showed ~400MB physical memory used on my 2GB system. Afterwards, it showed ~600MB used. I do have Nepomuk turned off though.
        The unjust distribution of goods persists, creating a situation of social sin that cries out to Heaven and limits the possibilities of a fuller life for so many of our brothers. -- Archbishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires (now Pope Francis)


          Re: KDE 4.70

          I updated to KDE 4.7, I noticed that it cosumes like 200mb more than before of RAM, but I haven't seen any bug amm just gmail plasmoid doesn't work but, I use Kgmailnotifier I have not problem with that


            Re: KDE 4.70

            Originally posted by buzzmandt
            my test systems (6 in all) All run faster AND cooler on oneiric. I believe this ones will be a great one for kubuntu
            Are you using it for a daily driver? I just might clone my Natty partition (for easy rollback, just in case) and then do an upgrade. Has anyone tried this route? If so, how did the upgrade go?


              Re: KDE 4.70

              actually I am, I've had a few issues on a couple of them dependencies things but all system atm are fully dist-upgraded and fully functioning. 5 of those was an upgrade. One was a new install of daily build (sundays)

              I haven't checked before and after mem. but i do know for sure at least on 3 of the test laptops (mine, my gf, my other older laptop) oneiric runs much cooler. On my gf's laptop about 20 degrees cooler in fact.

              same warnings apply, shouldn't be your main system, always backup EVERYTHING. etc etc

              Oh, one more thing, my last system to oneiric was a new install of sundays daily build on a acer netbook, went flawlessly.

              same warnings apply, shouldn't be your main system, always backup EVERYTHING. etc etc


                Re: KDE 4.70

                Originally posted by buzzmandt
                I haven't checked before and after mem. but i do know for sure at least on 3 of the test laptops (mine, my gf, my other older laptop) oneiric runs much cooler. On my gf's laptop about 20 degrees cooler in fact.
                Memory usage doesn't concern me. But the idea of a cooler laptop is sufficient enough for me to make the switch! I'll do it over the weekend. I'm ok dealing with a certain amount of instability. I have to do all my work stuff in a Windows 7 VM that I run in VirtualBox. I back that up every day. So wiping and rebuilding my laptop doesn't impact my work.


                  Re: KDE 4.70

                  Hi FOLKS are most of you testing on laptops or desktops


                    Re: KDE 4.70

                    4 laptops, 1 desktop, 1 netbook


                      Re: KDE 4.70

                      Originally posted by rbrick49
                      Hi FOLKS are most of you testing on laptops or desktops
                      1 netbook and my desktop.

                      i've noticed that now w/ the removable media widget it shows all my nfs shares that mount at boot time does anyone know how i can make them not show there ? its currently just a minor annoyance atm.

                      the shares are mounted some in /media and others in my my /home (if that helps)
                      Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
                      (top of thread: thread tools)


                        Re: KDE 4.70

                        right click device notifier, select device notifier settings, under display it should be checked to only show removable devices.


                          Re: KDE 4.70

                          Originally posted by buzzmandt
                          right click device notifier, select device notifier settings, under display it should be checked to only show removable devices.
                          yes thats checked
                          Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
                          (top of thread: thread tools)


                            Re: KDE 4.70

                            I am well impressed, loving KDE now it has matured.

                            I did jump ship to gnome when KDE 4 was released, now Gnome and Ubuntu seem to have been invaded by unemployed design graduates. Those desktops are to all intents useless and no use for doing any actual work so I decided to give KDE another try and I like it.

                            The netbook version on my wee 8.9" acer runs like a dream, even with all desktop effects to the max, and on a twin screen quad core desktop, awesome, the cube desktop changing is a thing of beauty.

                            Most of my real work is being done on a laptop, which is remaining 10.10 until the end of October.


                              Re: KDE 4.70

                              i dropped my trusty debian/kde for the upgrade to kde 4,7. it's been a while since i have ran kubuntu, but it is good to be back.

                              i really enjoy the new dolphin and the panel lock feature. i'm running the 11.10 beta. i found it best to install aptitude to update the system and found muon useful when i have dependency issues. not sure if that is a good thing.

                              running s/pdif optical audio and had to set the audio hardware prefs sound card to internal audio/digital audio + analog and the sound device config to internal audio digital stereo/dig out. i notice that if i open the phonon control panel it will change the setting. so i have to leave it alone to enjoy my music. now i can use my volume controller on my keyboard.
                              - kubuntu 11.10 | linux User #231826 | kubuntu user #23718<br />- x58/ich10r | i7-950 | 3@2GB 1600 3x channel | geforce gt240 1GB [19&quot; 16:10, 19&quot; 4:3] | 120GB ssd / 500GB / 1TB / dvd+-rw [sata ahci] | 600W wrapped in aluminum

