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Entire Desktop Freezes

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    Entire Desktop Freezes

    This problem began out of the blue. A short time after I log in the entire desktop freezes - the panel, widgets, everything. I rebooted several times - same problem. I was doing nothing unusual at the time. Chrome and Kmail were open on different desktops and I moved between them a couple of times is all. I was still able to change desktops by moving the mouse to the upper left corner of the screen, but the workspace switcher on the panel wouldn't work.

    (As I am typing this, it has happened again. I'm using Chromium now and it is the only program running).

    When I restart the computer, after I login with my password, I notice that the icons on the splash screen begin to show as usual, then it fades out, then they begin to load again and there is a longer than usual wait before the desktop appears.

    I've just tried to use the panel again, and this time it worked. So I opened the system monitor to see if I could recognize anything irregular there. I don't know enough to see anything, but there seem to be many more processes running than I am used to seeing: several instances of akonadi and chromium for example.

    Now the panel is frozen again.

    I hope I've given an adequate description of the problem. If not, what more information can I provide?

    Thanks for the help!

    Re: Entire Desktop Freezes

    Adding some new developments here: Re-checked system monitor; although no single process was using more than 30% of the cpu (Xorg) and only two other processes showed any percentage use at all (very small %) the bar at the bottom showed CPU 100%.

    After my last attempt at rebooting, after the splash screen, the screen fades to black and that's all. I was able to open Chromium using alt-F2.


      Re: Entire Desktop Freezes

      Looks like my problems - solved only by moving back from KDE 4.7 to 4.6.5 ...
      4.7 is too young..


        Re: Entire Desktop Freezes

        iX: thanks for the suggestion. How do I do that?


          Re: Entire Desktop Freezes

          I m not sure - I had a backup of 1 month old system with K4.6.5. So I simply replaced it. Then I disabled PPA Kubuntu BackPort repository to make sure not upgrading to K4.7.
          How to downgrade - its question, try to disable PPA Kubuntu BackPort repository, then apt-get update, and, maybe?, reinstall kubuntu-desktop arcipackage?

