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Installing Giver

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    Installing Giver

    Giver is a simple file share program that is in the 11.04 repository. It is also in the 10.04 repository.

    I have one machine that had 10.04, and I've upgraded it twice online, first to 10.10, and from there to 11.04. Giver installs fine after adding a bunch of Gnome and Mono dependencies. When called from the KMenu, it appears to run, but no window appears. When called from a terminal, the output looks like it is working, but still no window.

    Giver installs and works on 10.04 on my other machine on the network.

    Anyone know what the problem is with 11.04?


    Linux: Powerful, open, elegant. Its all I use.

    Re: Installing Giver


      Re: Installing Giver

      Wow, that was FAST!

      Yes, the link you gave me did the job. Installed X11-dev, and it now works.

      I spent about a half hour trolling the web and the Ubuntu forum looking for information on this before I posted here. I found nothing. Thanks for the help.

      I can't see the other machine yet, however, even though I tried to get it to share a file. The only recipient is my own local machine.

      Is there some need to refresh Giver? I didn't see that in any instructions that I found on the web.

      Linux: Powerful, open, elegant. Its all I use.


        Re: Installing Giver

        no idea, I don't use it myself.


          Re: Installing Giver

          no idea, I don't use it myself.
          I'm not that sold on Giver anyway. It is a Gnome app no longer under development, and uses the Mono libraries, which appear to be going the way of the dodo. I just read about it in the current issue of Linux Format. It intrigued me in that it would auto detect other machines on the home LAN, and allow file transfer to a named machine rather than have to sort out ip addresses.

          Are you aware of another file transfer product that will do similar things?

          Linux: Powerful, open, elegant. Its all I use.


            Re: Installing Giver

            the kepas plasma widget might be what you are looking for (plasma-widget-kepas) It is now a part of kde, and from its description, it seems to do what you want. I have not used this in a very long time.

            Ther is also this:


              Re: Installing Giver

              I'll have a look at the widget. Thanks.

              Know anything about avahi / zeroconf? I see the plasmoid uses this.

              Is Dolphin avahi / zeroconf enabled? Can it be?

              Linux: Powerful, open, elegant. Its all I use.


                Re: Installing Giver

                kubuntu has avahi installed and running by default, I believe giver uses it for discovery

