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Who else uses Konqueror?

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    Who else uses Konqueror?

    So far every time KDE has had a major update I check to see if Konqueror is finally up to snuff and well.... This time it's still no-..... wait... what..? It actually works now..? Even with KHTML.... Oh my word it actually works now!!!
    Most webpages seem to render [near] perfectly even with the KHTML engine. Also if another application opens a link with Konqueror it actually opens the link instead of downloading it to your HDD then opening it.
    In case anyone's wondering, I do like Konqueror more than ReKonq. Yes ReKonqs more up to date but it some things bother me about it. You don't know if it's downloading something if the Notifications widget isn't loaded (I've had to delete before when it does it's million, fake notifications glitch.), the webkit engine doesn't show any of the smooth beautiful KDE animations (like the focus decoration), and I personally think the name and the icon are a bit unprofessional. Oh and it orders the suggested sites (ya know, when you start typing an address it suggests something?) unlike every other browser. I always get something from my history a long time ago when all I want is "". It never suggests my bookmarks or most visited sites first.

    So who else uses Konqueror?

    Re: Who else uses Konqueror?

    O really ......on what ver of KDE.

    I used to really love Konqueror back in KDE-3.5 it was the be all end all file browser web browser do anything app in the system .....hell it would even make really nice photo gallery's for your web pages with a few clicks.... (I really liked that)

    but to me it has seemed ....neutered sense KDE-4+

    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
    16GB RAM
    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


      Re: Who else uses Konqueror?

      but to me it has seemed ....neutered sense KDE-4+
      Yes it had been... Ever since I started using KDE 4 it's seemed to be a few steps behind. Only today have I noticed that it's probably up to Internet Explorer 7 standards finally


        Re: Who else uses Konqueror?

        Originally posted by Tanner1294
        So who else uses Konqueror?
        I am using it with webkit enabled. Very good app. Sometimes (mostly) much faster than firefox (over many ff versions, incl trunk).


          Re: Who else uses Konqueror?

          I choose not to use the webkit kpart only because of beauty. KHTML renders buttons with the oxygen in mind so it looks a lot nicer. You also get the focus rectangle on most websites too Although I have used the webkit part with Konqeuror in the past and the biggest difference from Rekonq that I saw was the face that storing passwords on Rekonq is a total mess.


            Re: Who else uses Konqueror?

            I have never found either konqueror or rekonq up to scratch for my needs.

            I have been using rekonq a lot very recently, in the hope of doing away with another GTK app (only firefox and thunderbird to go) but it has too many annoying niggles, such as not being able to drag bookmarks into a bookmarks folder and it always telling me the app didn't shut down properly when I open it.

            I think the big thing that has always driven me mad with konqueror is that I can't do a search in the address bar because it wants an actual address (unless that has changed recently) and that has always instantly put me off.
            Another problem is that konqueror has been around for what seems like forever and it still isn't close to firefox or chromium in terms of speed or usability.
            It has way too many features that I don't need and not enough that I do.

            Shame because I really want to use a KDE web browser.


              Re: Who else uses Konqueror?

              I use Konqueror on sites where I need to log in like the companies Intranet or on hot spots.

              Both Konqueror and Rekonq have their own issues when downloading/ saving pictures from websites, Konqueror is very slow accessing a directory with many items in it, Rekonq does not remember where you want to save.


                Re: Who else uses Konqueror?

                I just typed "The Wizard" in the address bar and hit Enter. It went straight to a Google search so that works now I've got a lot of little things about Rekonq that annoy me so much.
                I've posted before about the Bookmarks and History toolbars opening in/after using fullscreen mode. When it asks to remember a password, I'll click remember and then on some websites like YouTube, It will keep asking to remember what it already remembers! If I hit either remember or Not now it still asks AGAIN and AGAIN!! Hitting never makes it FORGET what it already remembered and then it will never ask again but now I'll never not have to type in my info again. It also doesn't remember more than one username for a site which to me is a big flaw with both Konqueror and Rekonq.

                I think Konqueror could destroy Firefox and Opera and Safari if only someone would put some actual time in it. Everyone says it's dead and that's because nobody wants to work on it and make living!


                  Re: Who else uses Konqueror?

                  well I installed Konqueror and low and behold it dose seem on the way back to it's old self .....and even make's those photo gallery's again

                  but it wont play a flash vid will load up a youtube page and display the vid's but will not play them?
                  firefox will, rekonq will, Konqueror will not

                  i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                  16GB RAM
                  Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                    Re: Who else uses Konqueror?

                    You'll have to check and see what the problem is because I've been watching YouTube videos and flash videos embedded from Blip.Tv all day :P That reminds me of another flaw of both Konqueror and Rekonq. On Youtube videos you can click the Expand button and it makes the video larger normally, but on both Rekonq and Konqueror it doesn't work. Rekonq expands the black background but not the video and konqueror just doesn't do anything.


                      Re: Who else uses Konqueror?

                      Hmm, I just tried Youtube in Konquerer and Rekonq, in both it also works in full screen.


                        Re: Who else uses Konqueror?

                        I can't use fullscreen youtube in Kubuntu period. No matter the web browser it will play the video in full screen for about 10 seconds and then the image freezes and I can't get it to keep going. I've looked into but no one has a solution as it just seems to be incompatibility with my graphics card (or lack thereof). Ever since KDE 4.4.5 I've had graphics problems. But since 4.6 I've been able to use the desktop effects without them breaking down.


                          Re: Who else uses Konqueror?

                          Originally posted by vinnywright

                          but it wont play a flash vid will load up a youtube page and display the vid's but will not play them?
                          firefox will, rekonq will, Konqueror will not

                          Not true, since main works well - it plays them as well (flashplugin64-installer).

                          Konquerior should get more attention from debelopers/packagers due to deep integration into many KDE services - I can see in this browser even IMAP mailbox (including folder's tree) ....


                            Re: Who else uses Konqueror?

                            Originally posted by Tanner1294
                            I just typed "The Wizard" in the address bar and hit Enter. It went straight to a Google search so that works now
                            I just had a go with both konqueror and rekonq, this is after the 4.7 KDE update.

                            Typed "apple" into the konqueror address bar and got:

                            "The requested operation could not be completed
                            Unsupported Protocol"
                            with a page telling me about how it isn't supported in KDE applications.

                            In rekonq, browsed a few pages, tried dragging links into a bookmarks folder (still doesn't work). Closed and reopened to see if the long running and very annoying bug has been sorted:

                            "It seems rekonq was not closed properly. Do you want to restore the last saved session?"

                            I also hate the way that if I am typing something I want to search for in rekonq, the address bar popup opens and it ALWAYS takes me to the first suggested search in the list which is very annoying if I know I don't want to go to that particular result.

                            Closed both rekonq and konqueror, opened firefox and went about my business as normal.

                            That restart bug in rekonq alone has been there for ages and it's things like this that make me feel I will never be browsing in a KDE web browser.


                              Re: Who else uses Konqueror?

                              I was surprised by your observation about rekonq not closing properly and tried without getting your issue.

