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[SOLVED?] Unable to launch applications (occasional issue)

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    [SOLVED?] Unable to launch applications (occasional issue)

    I've been having this issue for the past couple weeks where, after a few days, I'll suddenly be unable to launch programs.

    The only solution I know is to logout or reboot. And when KDE is exiting, a Crash Handler notice pops up and all the programs I tried to launch suddenly appear. I assume that it's the Crash Handler that's been holding up the program launch, but I don't know for sure. And I don't think that it's always the same program that crashes, either. So it could be entirely unrelated.

    Either way, it's a very annoying problem. And I hope someone knows a way to fix it.

    Re: Unable to launch applications (occasional issue)

    I doubt anyone will be able to fix your problem with only the information provided. You need to provide more data.

    Start with details of your system and install.

    Please Read Me


      Re: Unable to launch applications (occasional issue)

      I don't know how much more info I can give.

      I think the bugs started when I added the Kubuntu PPA to install KDE 4.6.5. My computer is left on all the time. I wake up some mornings and I find that I can't launch any programs. All programs already running continue working just fine.

      On one occasion, Firefox wouldn't load, but I could get the KDE System Monitor to open, so I don't know if that was related or not.

      I did notice a zombie dbus process, and I searched for a fix for that. I fixed that problem, but it seems to have been unrelated to this issue entirely.

      Like I said, though, it seems like it might be related to the Crash Handler. This past time the HP Printer Applet crashed, but I honestly don't remember what the previous crashes were. When I logout or reboot, as KDE is turning off, the Crash Handler and all other programs I tried to launch pop up a few seconds before KDE closes. The common thread seems to be the Crash Handler.


        Re: Unable to launch applications (occasional issue)

        It happened again this morning. No crash reporter. So much for that, I guess.

        dbus got an update, though, so I guess I'll see if the problem comes back. One time this problem happened I managed to get the System Monitor to open, and I saw dbus was at 25% CPU (on a quad-core system, meaning it was taking 100% of one core). So I think that was probably the issue.


          Re: Unable to launch applications (occasional issue)

          It happened again today, but I was able to experience it as it happened. It seemed like a gradual process, ending with dbus-daemon going to 25% CPU (which is 100% on one core). Then I remembered that I read a suggestion to kill the kpackagekitsmarticon process. So I did that, and everything went back to normal.

          I'm on KDE 4.6.5. I don't know if this is a bug in this version of that package, or if it's been going on for a while. But I've only ever experienced it since the 4.6.5 upgrade. I haven't activated the Kubuntu Backports PPA yet for 4.7, but maybe that would help clear the issue?


            Re: Unable to launch applications (occasional issue)

            The only thing I can think of is that your hard drive is turning off after a long time of inactivity and not turning back on when you want to open a program. So whatever's already in the RAM (the desktop, Kicker, System Monitor, etc.) still work but nothing new gets loaded. When you tell it to shutdown it wakes the HDD and all the programs can finally open but are forced to close so the Crash dialog appears.

            That's my theory. What application is the crash dialog talking about, do you know?


              Re: Unable to launch applications (occasional issue)

              I was able to pin down the issue in my last reply. I haven't marked it as solved because I don't know if it's still present in 4.7, but I suppose I should mark it simply for knowing what's causing the problem.

