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Where Is The App?

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    Where Is The App?

    See i was working on a text doc. i like with windows, im able to click the desktop,
    to make a text, and basiclly take notes. well, with a main [1st]HDD Install's of Kubuntu it sets AllowRootLogin=False, so you cant
    login as a root user, and because of that i couldnt edit "True" or i had no access
    to Root with anythin, acting as if i couldnt get to root.
    iwent to User Management and wasnt able to fix. i went to terminal tryed su, then tryed
    sudo kate /ect/kd4/kdm/kdmrc
    no terminal commands even "nano"
    nothing abled me to get access on root, even vista premium. lol, upgrade n sh''.
    only command i came across was a Root File Manager, which bypassed everything i needed.
    [First of all, i wish for a Terminal Commands of WIKI for every OS]
    anyway, the Root File Manager was:
    gksudo nautilus
    So Is there an App like this "Nautilus" so i can click, [Root File Manager] in my startmenu.
    like an advanced [Pro Only] folder on the start menu?

    Re: Where Is The App?

    man i was even not able to change the permissions.
    with those problems, nautilus got everything in root i needed.
    but it still lacked on actual App, only because
    nautilus wont even browse locations from folders outside of root.
    not being able to set "true" on root login, or permissions,
    iwas kinda locked out, and couldnt even change files in home location. untill
    Nautilus, is there a package for;

    "Root File manager"
    im fixed, but is there a app?


      Re: Where Is The App?

      my guess;
      is that when i installed on 1st HDD my [Desktop Effects] (woldnt comply) so i
      turned them off. So when i ran the terminal to SUdo, [no window]
      cant display my password, and goes directly to an empty kate, other edditors are same.
      because of permission, the terminal has manny lacking innegrated effects, that the root user needs. my desktop effects got in the way of trying to display the password[window] before kate/other edditor. i couldnt do anything to access root
      and the way it was installed as "false" locked me out of root, i randomly stumblued
      on nautilus, so my question respectfully is there a Root File Manager for every OS?
      so that users can always get immidiate access to root, without haveing to fight
      to aquire it, even with buggs like DSKtop Effects, or an old windows, looses access to keeping it alive.


        Re: Where Is The App?

        First, it is not wise to use root for ordinary work, like making a text document. That is also why logging in as root is disabled, and those who do not know how to enable or use root access should not be messing around with it. It is a guaranteed way to bork your system.

        Second, if you need to edit a root file the correct way is to open a Konsole and enter:
        kdesudo kate /path/to/file
        Using "sudo kate ..." can mess up your system.

        The rest of your post I cannot make sense of.

        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


          Re: Where Is The App?

          "Root File manager"
          use "kdesudo dolphin" to start dolphin as root.

          you can add a menu entry for this by clicking on your "kmenu" and choosing edit menu the menu editor will open then you make a new entry change its command to
          kdesudo dolphin %i -caption "%c" %u
          and call it what ever you like (you can add an icon by clicking the icon area on the right)
          Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
          (top of thread: thread tools)


            Re: Where Is The App?

            I am partial to rog131's kde-service-menu-rootactions add-on.

            Maybe abandoned but still very functional!

