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Konsole causing system freeze

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    Konsole causing system freeze

    I'm new to KDE, still testing! Mostly an OK experience so far, but poor fonts in GoogleEarth (image perfect, just wide, faint, Serif fonts for all text).

    I've found a couple of patches to try, but when I try to open a terminal to run Kate as superuser (I assume su kate in a terminal?), the konsole icon bounces up, down and the whole system freezes, apart from the mouse cursor which moves but clicking won't work.

    Resets with alt+SysRq+k

    Is Konsole bust? How do I repair/replace? I opened konsole some time ago as a test but didn't try to use it; it was fine then!

    Help appreciated,


    Re: Konsole causing system freeze

    Originally posted by owend

    I assume su kate in a terminal?
    No. Alt-F2 "kdesudo kate" (or you could launch it that way from a terminal as well).

    For a root terminal mode, Alt-F2 "kdesudo konsole". But DO NOT attempt to run any KDE package (kate, dolphin, konqueror, etc.) as root by launching it from a root mode terminal -- that's a good way to bork your user's login. Use Alt-F2 "kdesudo packagename" to launch a KDE package in root mode.


      Re: Konsole causing system freeze

      Thanks, told you I was learning! (been Gnome for years but I don't like Gnome 3 so I'm looking around).

      Konsole still freezes the system as soon as it's clicked on, I've installed yakuake which seems to work OK. Any history of Konsole problems - I've never heard of any?



        Re: Konsole causing system freeze

        there is a bug with resizing Konsole with Nvidia graphics, but I haven't heard of it freezing just on regular opening.
        "The only way Kubuntu could be more user friendly would be if it came with a virtual copy of Snowhog and dibl"


          Re: Konsole causing system freeze

          Originally posted by de_koraco
          there is a bug with resizing Konsole with Nvidia graphics, but I haven't heard of it freezing just on regular opening.
          I got this bug too ... but I've found no solution except using Putty or XTerm instead of Konsole


            Re: Konsole causing system freeze

            I had this resize bug and someone suggested getting the latest nVidia ppa and upgrading the nVidia driver.
            This was successful but I found another way to, at least temporarily, avoid the problem by disabling the Desktop Effects.


              Re: Konsole causing system freeze

              Although I didn't get a complete system freeze I did get some very odd flickering effects and the konsole window would go comatose for several seconds.

              Open a Konsole and then start another one with konsole --notransparency and try resizing that.
              Worked fine for me, so I tweaked the menu settings to have "--notransparency" appended to the command.

              To err is human; to moo, bovine.


                Re: Konsole causing system freeze

                Originally posted by Teunis
                I had this resize bug and someone suggested getting the latest nVidia ppa and upgrading the nVidia driver.
                I tried the official package from nvidia site but on 11.04 Natty it ended up with a completely broken X.


                  Re: Konsole causing system freeze

                  Originally posted by carini
                  Originally posted by Teunis
                  I had this resize bug and someone suggested getting the latest nVidia ppa and upgrading the nVidia driver.
                  I tried the official package from nvidia site but on 11.04 Natty it ended up with a completely broken X.
                  Did "konsole --notransparency" not work?
                  I used the same thing on Karmic, although the problem there was only insane konsole window flickering and overlaying of text if the window was resized.
                  To err is human; to moo, bovine.


                    Re: Konsole causing system freeze

                    Originally posted by WavingAnt
                    Did "konsole --notransparency" not work?
                    I used the same thing on Karmic, although the problem there was only insane konsole window flickering and overlaying of text if the window was resized.
                    Didn't tried yet ... from other post it should work, but isn't the correct solotion. Another PC with ATI card I had no problem


                      Re: Konsole causing system freeze

                      Originally posted by Alessandro Carini
                      Originally posted by WavingAnt
                      Did "konsole --notransparency" not work?
                      I used the same thing on Karmic, although the problem there was only insane konsole window flickering and overlaying of text if the window was resized.
                      Didn't tried yet ... from other post it should work, but isn't the correct solotion. Another PC with ATI card I had no problem
                      Oh sure, it's definitely NVidia-related and there's doubtless a real fix coming along sooner or later - but considering this resizing thing was the only problem I had, adding --notransparency to just one application seemed perfectly adequate for now.
                      To err is human; to moo, bovine.


                        Re: Konsole causing system freeze

                        About the Google Earth fonts, when you install the ttf-mscorefonts from the medibuntu repository this should be fixed.


                          Re: Konsole causing system freeze

                          Originally posted by WavingAnt
                          but considering this resizing thing was the only problem I had, adding --notransparency to just one application seemed perfectly adequate for now.
                          It could be, but since the problem could appare in other applications this is not a solution. I didn't figure out if it is more KDE-related or nvidia-related

