Recently upgraded to Natty, and too my dismay K9copy crashes when I try to convert a DVD ISO to an .avi ..... so I started playing with mencoder and as well the script below. The script works but every time I use it my video goes crazy, lots of random pixels all over the place. Restarting X does nothing, I have to actually restart the computer. Once I do ..... everything is OK .... the .avi file even gets created perfect.
This also happens when I just use mencoder from a prompt like this -------- $ mencoder foo.ISO -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vhq:vbitrate="1200" -vf scale -zoom -xy 640 -oac mp3lame -lameopts br=128 -o bar.avi
At first i thought it was my video card dying (nvidia 8500) but I can recreate the issue by simply just using mencoder.. I'd rather use K9copy ...
anyone have any ideas
script I used that works (but foobars the system) is below
#! /bin/bash
## Usage: dvdiso2xvid_2pass.sh file.iso
## http://www.axllent.org/docs/video/mencoder_dvd_to_mpeg4
## http://www.axllent.org/uploads/files/divxcalc.html
## http://quadpoint.org/projects/simplerip
VBR=1000 ## higher, better quality
ABR=128 ## 96 recommended
for file in "$@"
rm -f divx2pass.log
bn=`basename "$file"`
NameNoExt=${bn%.*} ## no extension
# start a timer to kill mplayer
(sleep 5 && killall mplayer)&
# start the mplayer cropdetect on DVD's chapter 4
mplayer dvd://1 -dvd-device "$bn" -chapter 3 -vf cropdetect &> mplayer.tmp
# get last crop value from mplayer output and store in variable
CROP_VALUES=$(awk -F'crop=' '/[CROP]/{f=$2} END{print f}' ./mplayer.tmp |cut -d')' -f1)
# print detected crop values
echo -e "nnDetected crop values = ${CROP_VALUES}nn"
mencoder dvd://1 -dvd-device "$bn" -vf crop=${CROP_VALUES} -ovc xvid -xvidencopts bvhq=1:chroma_opt:quant_type=mpeg:bitrate=${VBR}
ass=1 -oac copy -o /dev/null
mencoder dvd://1 -dvd-device "$bn" -vf crop=${CROP_VALUES} -ovc xvid -xvidencopts bvhq=1:chroma_opt:quant_type=mpeg:bitrate=${VBR}
ass=2 -alang en -oac mp3lame -lameopts br=${ABR}:cbr:vol=0 -o "${NameNoExt}.avi"
Recently upgraded to Natty, and too my dismay K9copy crashes when I try to convert a DVD ISO to an .avi ..... so I started playing with mencoder and as well the script below. The script works but every time I use it my video goes crazy, lots of random pixels all over the place. Restarting X does nothing, I have to actually restart the computer. Once I do ..... everything is OK .... the .avi file even gets created perfect.
This also happens when I just use mencoder from a prompt like this -------- $ mencoder foo.ISO -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vhq:vbitrate="1200" -vf scale -zoom -xy 640 -oac mp3lame -lameopts br=128 -o bar.avi
At first i thought it was my video card dying (nvidia 8500) but I can recreate the issue by simply just using mencoder.. I'd rather use K9copy ...
anyone have any ideas

script I used that works (but foobars the system) is below
#! /bin/bash
## Usage: dvdiso2xvid_2pass.sh file.iso
## http://www.axllent.org/docs/video/mencoder_dvd_to_mpeg4
## http://www.axllent.org/uploads/files/divxcalc.html
## http://quadpoint.org/projects/simplerip
VBR=1000 ## higher, better quality
ABR=128 ## 96 recommended
for file in "$@"
rm -f divx2pass.log
bn=`basename "$file"`
NameNoExt=${bn%.*} ## no extension
# start a timer to kill mplayer
(sleep 5 && killall mplayer)&
# start the mplayer cropdetect on DVD's chapter 4
mplayer dvd://1 -dvd-device "$bn" -chapter 3 -vf cropdetect &> mplayer.tmp
# get last crop value from mplayer output and store in variable
CROP_VALUES=$(awk -F'crop=' '/[CROP]/{f=$2} END{print f}' ./mplayer.tmp |cut -d')' -f1)
# print detected crop values
echo -e "nnDetected crop values = ${CROP_VALUES}nn"
mencoder dvd://1 -dvd-device "$bn" -vf crop=${CROP_VALUES} -ovc xvid -xvidencopts bvhq=1:chroma_opt:quant_type=mpeg:bitrate=${VBR}

mencoder dvd://1 -dvd-device "$bn" -vf crop=${CROP_VALUES} -ovc xvid -xvidencopts bvhq=1:chroma_opt:quant_type=mpeg:bitrate=${VBR}
