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Odd system crash.

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    Odd system crash.

    I have just installed a new ssd and en-counted a problem when using konsole.
    As soon as I try to alter the size of the window my whole system freezes solid. no keyboard response at all, Even number lock won't change.
    no ctrl delete etc.
    I have tried every other window resize I can think of with up to 20 open at once. But Konsole on it's own means power button.
    This is not a problem using my hdd partitions.
    this is my fstab setup.

    UUID=1e436ce0-e78e-40d7-afac-fecb294bf0f5 / ext4 discard,errors=remount-ro 0 1
    # /home was on /dev/sda2 during installation
    UUID=98458aea-2e44-4c64-9aff-46606544ca4d /home ext4 discard,defaults 0 2
    # /home/andy/data was on /dev/sdb1 during installation
    UUID=6a17a6e7-1812-4b09-afc2-9b71cbbeaa17 /home/andy/data xfs defaults 0 2
    # /home/andy/databackup was on /dev/sdd1 during installation
    UUID=a10fa521-021e-4fee-8df1-c114282e0232 /home/andy/databackup xfs defaults 0 2
    # /home/document-drive was on /dev/sdc6 during installation
    UUID=3a001172-6a50-4a7f-a55d-2e403a573244 /home/document-drive ext4 defaults 0 2
    # swap was on /dev/sdc5 during installation
    UUID=f3d9b99f-a1a8-4e06-b614-c18c5c3c3fdb none swap sw 0 0

    The only alteration I made was to enable TRIM.
    Swap is on the hdd but as I have 8 gig of memory it shouldn't be a problem.

    Any pointers will be welcome.

    Ps I am looking through launchpad in case it has been reported.
    All my settings are in the home folder on the ssd but all data folders etc are on the /home document drive with sys links as described in this thread.

    Thank s Andy.

    Re: Odd system crash.

    With Konsole not running, you can try renaming it's hidden directory:


    and it's hidden configuration file:


    Then reinstall Konsole:

    sudo apt-get install --reinstall konsole

    Fire Konsole up and see if your problem has been fixed.
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Re: Odd system crash.

      this has been reported as a bug around alpha two, so you're not the only one, and it's got nothing to do with your ssd, but might have to do with your graphic card -


        Re: Odd system crash.

        Thanks for reply.
        Must have missed that bug report. have opened a fresh, will have to link to it.
        Looks like it's the same problem.
        Looks like I will be getting used to yakuake for a while.
        I didn't realise how dependant I have got on konsole in the last couple of years.
        Thank for the replys


          Re: Odd system crash.

          You'll get used to yakuake easily. I had a Kubuntu install during the dev phase (alpha one coming soon, weee), and when I went back to Gnome it took me like a week to stop hitting F12 when I wanted a terminal

