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sftp horribly slow

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    sftp horribly slow

    I have two machines running, a server running Maverick and a laptop running Natty on the same wireless network and I'm looking to transfer large files (~500MB) between them. Using either sftp in Dolphin or scp from the command line the transfer starts slow and quickly runs to a stall.

    I've had a look everywhere for what might be causing this, and have tried a number of different transfer programs as well as different settings on the server (from other forums I've tried fiddling with sysctl as well as reducing the MTU on the NIC). I've disabled GSSAPI authentication and UseDNS on the server, but still, I get about 1MB transferred before the whole thing just sticks.

    If anyone has any suggestions as to what else I can try (it *used* to work fine), I'd be very grateful.
