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I click restart and it doesn't restart.

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    I click restart and it doesn't restart.

    I hibernated once, which worked fine. After that, I tried to restart and after the screen greyed out and the restart window disappeared, nothing else happened. The screen stayed grey and I could open/close any program, as if I hadn't press restart. Further presses of the restart button led nowhere. Pc shuts down fine though.
    Honestly, I'm tired of searching for solution to my many many linux problems and my hopes of using linux regularly are now almost gone...I can definitely c y ppl say windows are better.

    EDIT: Now I pressed restart and it worked! I doubt I'll call it solved though, because I didn't change anything. It's just so random. I keep thinking my hibernating the pc caused this somehow. I've had problems with hibernation in ubuntu before and there even was a time I couldn't boot into them. Some1 needs to shade some light into this before I lose my mind and never hibernate again in linux,....

    Re: I click restart and it doesn't restart.


    Some machines hibernate well, others don't. A lot depends on the way that particular machine implements what is supposed to be a standard. However, as hardware manufacturers supply drivers for their hardware that works with Windows, those same manufacturers seldom supply similar drivers for Linux. The people that develop Linux have to then try to reverse engineer, often with no help from the manufacturer. Yeah, its frustrating, but it is not the fault of Linux.

    The Ubuntu wiki has some information on what might be tried to avoid the problems you are having. However, if it is an older machine, you may just want to avoid trying to make it hibernate. Getting it to work on oddball hardware is a bit of a pain.

    And, by the way, I've been using Linux exclusively for about 7 years. I run it on the 9 machines that I maintain at home and in my small business. That is a WIDE range of hardware. I haven't used Windows since Win98. So, don't give up.

    Linux: Powerful, open, elegant. Its all I use.


      Re: I click restart and it doesn't restart.

      Hey, I know what u mean, but both machines I've run linux on has had problems. Both with hibernating as well. I'm not saying it's linux's fault, but it's outrageous to google for days on, for elementary stuff like hibernating, writing in greek, having sound etc...and after u manage all that, relearn how to do anything u already know how in windows. It's just not worth the trouble in my case.

      I've spent 1800 euros on my pc about 4-5 months ago. Not only is it new, it rocks


        Re: I click restart and it doesn't restart.

        It's not obvious to me from the skimpy technical details that are here, exactly what the problem might be. But I will "shine some light", as you asked.

        "Sleep" = Suspend to RAM = S2Ram. The running session is written entirely to memory, the CPU and all disk drives and I/O are shutdown, and the memory voltage is maintained from battery or AC, so that when the laptop lid is opened, or the power button is pushed on the desktop, the session is restored to active memory, logs are restarted, etc.

        "Hibernate" = Suspend to Disk = S2Disk. The running session is written to the swap partition, and the computer shuts down completely, using no electricity while in this state. When the power button is pressed, the hardware is powered up and the prior session is reloaded into memory.

        So, from this, it is obvious that you need sufficient memory (equal or larger than the size of the running session) to S2Ram, and you need a swap partition of sufficient size (equal or larger than the size of the running session) to S2Disk. When no VMs or other large operations are running, my system seems to use around 1GB of memory, so I would suppose a person would need at least that much, or more to use S2Ram, and a swap partition of at least that much, or more to use S2Disk.

        Those are the hardware/configuration fundamentals. If these are in place, then you can look at KMenu > SystemSettings > Power Management and review your global settings, and the profile for whichever global setting you are using.

        However, if you are tired of searching for Linux configuration questions, and have lots of money, then maybe Windows (+$AV, +$malware sweeper, +$commercial software, +$$$) is the right OS for you.


          Re: I click restart and it doesn't restart.

          Originally posted by dibl
          However, if you are tired of searching for Linux configuration questions, and have lots of money, then maybe Windows (+$AV, +$malware sweeper, +$commercial software, +$$$) is the right OS for you.
          Claiming I have done so would be stupid, but windows can be found for free pretty easily u know. Retail version too, without the commercial software and nothing locked. Same goes for pretty much any software u would need in windows, pretty easy to crack them and find whatever u need for free.

          So, from this, it is obvious that you need sufficient memory (equal or larger than the size of the running session) to S2Ram, and you need a swap partition of sufficient size (equal or larger than the size of the running session) to S2Disk. When no VMs or other large operations are running, my system seems to use around 1GB of memory, so I would suppose a person would need at least that much, or more to use S2Ram, and a swap partition of at least that much, or more to use S2Disk.
          My problem is not about sleep. I never used it in kubuntu yet and the ram is more than enough anyway.

          As u know from my other thread, I have 6 giga ram and 12 giga swap space. So the space is enough for hibernate as well. When I hibernated, I only had a browser and a terminal open, so I don't think it would need much space anyhow. It's not even the hibernate itself that didn't work, but the one restart right after that. I am guessing the hibernate must have had something to do with it, but I could be wrong.

          If the sizes of disk or ram were causing problems, wouldn't those also show when I would hibernate or sleep in windows as well? Cause I never had any problems there. Any more specs u would like besides ram and hard disk size?

          I am not sure on what to do here...configuring acpi like frank said would lead me nowhere, as now restart works and there is no way to c whether the problem got fixed.
          Maybe it was a one time thing? Should I hibernate again in the future, or avoid it? Maybe hibernating was fine to begin with? Maybe I should proceed like nothing happened and review this issue when something does again? I feel pretty lost

          I'm telling u, despite the awesome support, the problems I've had with linux are the worst, except hardware issues of course. On that note let me thank u ppl again for the fast and really good responses


            Re: I click restart and it doesn't restart.

            There may be a log file at /var/log/pm-suspend.log (my kubuntu is on a VM and does not hibernate, so I don't have it). Either that, or /var/log/pm-powersave.log. Open it with kate, and see if you can find any error or warning messages in it.

            It might be worthwhile to hibernate your computer, then wake it up (if will wake up), or else restart it, and then open that log file and see what it says about what happened.

            Also, at times there have been reports of interactions between sleep/hibernate and some video drivers, so please tell again which video chip and driver you are using.


              Re: I click restart and it doesn't restart.

              Originally posted by Zafos
              Claiming I have done so would be stupid, but windows can be found for free pretty easily u know. Retail version too, without the commercial software and nothing locked. Same goes for pretty much any software u would need in windows, pretty easy to crack them and find whatever u need for free.
              Not only would it be stupid to claim to be a pirate, it is stupid to be a pirate. In your case your IP address would lead to your ISP, Fo*****t, which could be forced to reveal your identity. After that it could be treble damages for the OS *and* each commercial app that is pirated, depending on Greek law, plus fines and perhaps jail time. Look up WIPO, World Intellectual Property Organization, of which Greece is a signatory to 19 treaties and a member of 15 committees.

              Add to that the fact that AV protection on Windows does little good for zero-day exploits and it is only a matter of time before your personal financial info appears for sale on some hacker's website. Over 4,500,000 Windows PCs didn't get to be zombies in the world's largest bot farm because they didn't have active AV software.

              If you don't have credit cards, nor money in a checking savings or debit card account, and/or no credit rating that someone could hijack to put you on the hook for a new motorcycle, car, or whatever, and you don't know of anyone who would want to plant child porn on your PC, and are a renter with no permanent address, then good luck with Windows.
              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                Re: I click restart and it doesn't restart.

                You have some points, in theory. In practice, you greatly exaggerate.

                Originally posted by GreyGeek

                Not only would it be stupid to claim to be a pirate, it is stupid to be a pirate. In your case your IP address would lead to your ISP, Fo*****t, which could be forced to reveal your identity. After that it could be treble damages for the OS *and* each commercial app that is pirated, depending on Greek law, plus fines and perhaps jail time. Look up WIPO, World Intellectual Property Organization, of which Greece is a signatory to 19 treaties and a member of 15 committees.
                All I've heard happen here in greece, is some ppl getting caught for downloading songs for free. That was only to set an example though and they only had to pay for these songs they downloaded(I seriously doubt they weren't using illegal copies of windows btw, but no1 even bothered to check that, as far as I know). I seriously doubt a huge corporation like windows would bother randomly searching for illegal users, unless they are companies and such.

                Add to that the fact that AV protection on Windows does little good for zero-day exploits and it is only a matter of time before your personal financial info appears for sale on some hacker's website. Over 4,500,000 Windows PCs didn't get to be zombies in the world's largest bot farm because they didn't have active AV software.
                If a hacker sets his mind on hacking ur pc, there is very little u can do to prevent that, if anything. I don't care if u have super special awesome mac OS XXXXXX for which u paid 346723846192$ on, since NASA has been hacked, any1 can.
                For anything else, there are always awesome av programs, like nod32.

                If you don't have credit cards, nor money in a checking savings or debit card account, and/or no credit rating that someone could hijack to put you on the hook for a new motorcycle, car, or whatever, and you don't know of anyone who would want to plant child porn on your PC, and are a renter with no permanent address, then good luck with Windows.
                From the things u listed, I only have a permanent address, so I guess I am a good candidate for windows. Not that I don't know many friends who have windows and use their credit cards to buy stuff online for years. Nothing has happened to them ever, if u exclude my friend's(windows user, using credit card online) family having its stuff stolen when they all went for a swim the other day and left them at the beach, but even that almost never happens.

                In addition to all that, price of windows isn't that high usually, considering it's a very low percentage of the money u'll spent to buy ur pc. I got my own free copy of windows 7 with my purchase, as a discount. That, coupled with some good freeware that exists even for windows and minus the possible hassle of linux, adds up to windows being the best choice for those who don't want to be illegal as well, sometimes.

                I do believe though, it's a damn shame linux isn't at least as commonly used as windows. In the world of computers, not always the best thing is the 1 that survives so to speak. We, humans, have found a way to break the rules of natural selection.


                  Re: I click restart and it doesn't restart.

                  Originally posted by dibl
                  There may be a log file at /var/log/pm-suspend.log (my kubuntu is on a VM and does not hibernate, so I don't have it). Either that, or /var/log/pm-powersave.log. Open it with kate, and see if you can find any error or warning messages in it.

                  It might be worthwhile to hibernate your computer, then wake it up (if will wake up), or else restart it, and then open that log file and see what it says about what happened.

                  Also, at times there have been reports of interactions between sleep/hibernate and some video drivers, so please tell again which video chip and driver you are using.
                  Well, I found some stuff I think by just looking in the files, without restarting or hibernating:

                  /usr/lib/pm-utils/sleep.d/55NetworkManager hibernate hibernate: success.
                  Running hook /usr/lib/pm-utils/sleep.d/60_wpa_supplicant hibernate hibernate:
                  Failed to connect to wpa_supplicant - wpa_ctrl_open: No such file or directory
                  /usr/lib/pm-utils/sleep.d/94cpufreq hibernate hibernate: success.
                  Running hook /usr/lib/pm-utils/sleep.d/95anacron hibernate hibernate:
                  stop: Unknown instance:
                  They are pretty big though and I have no idea of what I am supposed to look for in them...should I post the logs here as they are now, after hibernate and then after restart? I think that would take up too much space...It seems like there are data in the logs from when I hibernated, so I could just post the logs as they are now.


                    Re: I click restart and it doesn't restart.

                    you can attach the files as .txt to the post (click the "additional options arrow under the text box)

                    instead of just copying it in the post box

                    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                    16GB RAM
                    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                      Re: I click restart and it doesn't restart.

                      Originally posted by vinnywright
                      you can attach the files as .txt to the post (click the "additional options arrow under the text box)

                      instead of just copying it in the post box

                      Thx mate, just in time as well

                      Another restart failed, after my adding a line to the alsa-base.conf file. I think my sound problem and this one might be connected. Lucky for me, dibl is helping in both
                      After that restart, however, the next one went on normally. Last time I couldn't restart for many sessions in a row.

                      So, here are my log files.
                      Attached Files


                        Re: I click restart and it doesn't restart.

                        Nothing is jumping out at me from the log files -- it's not unusual that networking has issues upon un-hibernating. Couple of questions came to mind:

                        I though this was a Gigabyte mobo in a desktop -- why is wicd and wpa_supplicant installed?

                        What filesystem are you using?


                          Re: I click restart and it doesn't restart.

                          Originally posted by dibl

                          I though this was a Gigabyte mobo in a desktop -- why is wicd and wpa_supplicant installed?
                          No idea y they are, y they shouldn't or what they are. When I installed kubuntu, I chose not to install third party software and their updates along with the install. In addition, I have yet to do any update.

                          What filesystem are you using?


                            Re: I click restart and it doesn't restart.

                            wicd is a GUI interface to the wireless networking setup for controlling your wifi. Not needed on a desktop with ethernet. But no harm either.


                              Re: I click restart and it doesn't restart.

                              So, we reached an impass? No ideas on what to do next?

                              In that case, I will report back when and if restart freezes again. Should I keep from hibernating in the meantime? I am about to start a project for my university in kubuntu, so I don't want anything to happen that might affect it negatively.

