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Font fuzzy, graphics terrible overall.

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    Font fuzzy, graphics terrible overall.

    I just finalized my install last night and I've had a terrible time getting my graphics to work properly. The most noticeable is fuzzy or blurry font: it's just not sharp at all. It actually looks like some old crappy CRT monitor. I've also tried a couple HD Youtube videos and they look less than stellar as well.

    Here's my set up:
    Motherboard: MSI NF750-G55
    CPU: Athlon II X2
    RAM: 4gb Crucial Ballistix Tracer
    Hard Drive: 1tb Samsung Spinpoint
    PSU: CX500
    Monitor: 19" LCD TV

    I have tried everything! I have the latest Nvidia driver (275.19), I've tried all sorts of font settings (sub-pixel rendering) and IO just can't seem to get it crisp.

    Re: Font fuzzy, graphics terrible overall.

    Hiting style slight, subpixel rendering RGBA.
    "The only way Kubuntu could be more user friendly would be if it came with a virtual copy of Snowhog and dibl"


      Re: Font fuzzy, graphics terrible overall.

      Originally posted by de_koraco
      Hiting style slight, subpixel rendering RGBA.
      Did both of those already, to no avail.


        Re: Font fuzzy, graphics terrible overall.

        In nvidia-settings, does the "detect EDID" seem to work? I suspect the geforce 8200 is not detecting your "monitor" correctly, or at all. I don't have much experience trying to use a TV for a computer monitor, so you might have a research project there.


          Re: Font fuzzy, graphics terrible overall.

          Originally posted by dibl
          In nvidia-settings, does the "detect EDID" seem to work? I suspect the geforce 8200 is not detecting your "monitor" correctly, or at all. I don't have much experience trying to use a TV for a computer monitor, so you might have a research project there.
          You mean x-server settings, right? This is my first time ever using an Nvidia card with any *nix distro, let alone my first KDE flavor....


            Re: Font fuzzy, graphics terrible overall.

            I'm away from my system and can't be sure, but I believe that on the same nvidia-settings panel where you have the resolution and refresh settings, below those is a "Detect EDID" button that you click and it checks for an EDID signal from the monitor.

            BTW, you should set your resolution to whatever you want, but leave refresh on "auto" for best results, at least with a typical computer monitor.


              Re: Font fuzzy, graphics terrible overall.

              Originally posted by dibl
              I'm away from my system and can't be sure, but I believe that on the same nvidia-settings panel where you have the resolution and refresh settings, below those is a "Detect EDID" button that you click and it checks for an EDID signal from the monitor.

              BTW, you should set your resolution to whatever you want, but leave refresh on "auto" for best results, at least with a typical computer monitor.
              I don't see "detect edid", but I see detect monitor. It does seem to have the name wrong. It says "FNI Funai TV" and my TV is a Samsung.

              I have the res. set to the native resolution.


                Re: Font fuzzy, graphics terrible overall.

                I'm trying to upload an SS, but the board times out when I add an attachment..... I guess I'm too new?


                  Re: Font fuzzy, graphics terrible overall.

                  The bandwidth gets adjusted down for new members.

                  Just joking, of course. The server's performance, or their service provider's performance, is "spotty", apparently -- others including myself have the same problem.

                  Maybe they have changed "Detect EDID" to "Detect Monitor" -- I haven't looked at it lately. But if it's got the wrong one, that can't be a good thing. It should also appear in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file, in the "screen" stanza.


                    Re: Font fuzzy, graphics terrible overall.

                    Well, here's that:
                    Section "Screen"
                    Identifier "Screen0"
                    Device "Device0"
                    Monitor "Monitor0"
                    DefaultDepth 24
                    SubSection "Display"
                    Depth 24


                      Re: Font fuzzy, graphics terrible overall.

                      Ooops -- first mistake I made today.

                      What does the "Monitor" stanza look like, or wherever it defines "Monitor0"?


                        Re: Font fuzzy, graphics terrible overall.

                        Section "Monitor"
                        Identifier "Monitor0"
                        VendorName "Unknown"
                        ModelName "Unknown"
                        HorizSync 28.0 - 33.0
                        VertRefresh 43.0 - 72.0
                        Option "DPMS"
                        Thank you soo much for the help, but alas, I must get ready for work.


                          Re: Font fuzzy, graphics terrible overall.

                          OK, it did not actually detect your LCD TV, apparently. You might want to look up the specs on the TV, and compare that to the sync and refresh rates shown there in the Monitor stanza, although the fact that you do have a display suggests to me that this is not the problem.


                            Re: Font fuzzy, graphics terrible overall.

                            Originally posted by dibl
                            OK, it did not actually detect your LCD TV, apparently. You might want to look up the specs on the TV, and compare that to the sync and refresh rates shown there in the Monitor stanza, although the fact that you do have a display suggests to me that this is not the problem.
                            Ok. I found the manual online. The TV is a SYLVANIA LC195SL9C. I also found a CNET review that has it listed as being manufactured by Funai, so that solves that issue. The manual says the max resolution is 1440x900, so hopefully when I get home, I can try and change that. However, I think the 1280x720 was the highest I was able to go. The refresh rate is 60hz. However, x-server settings only seemed to allow auto, 50 and 51 as options, and it would revert to 50.

                            I plan on getting a proper monitor next week as this TV was only temporary. This was a budget build, but I came into some extra cash.

                            I really appreciate the help guys. What a great welcome to the Kubuntu community.


                              Re: Font fuzzy, graphics terrible overall.

                              I found a thread at Tom's Hardware that seems to address the issue. Apparently, TV's aren't very good at being computer monitors (who'da thunk it?). I am going to try my d-sub connection when I get home along with mucking around with the res and see what comes of it.

                              Here is the thread in question: Tom's Hardware

