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Appearance settings won't save on persistent LiveUSB

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    Appearance settings won't save on persistent LiveUSB

    Hello, I'm just starting to use Linux, so I'm a noob. I think my problem might be related to using a LiveUSB on several machines?

    I installed Kubuntu 11.04 with the usb creator from:
    4GB persistence with reformat.

    On my Dell XPS
    I rebooted from the USB without a problem. I downloaded some programs (Chromium, vim) and changed some Konsole settings. Later, I rebooted and added some widgets and enabled desktop effects. Rebooted again to check persistence, no problem.

    On my Toshiba Laptop
    When I moved to my laptop, the widgets were missing or re-sized, and the desktop effects were disabled. Settings changes I had made to Konsole, however, were still enabled. Weird. When I rebooted, the desktop reverted to the default settings. All the widgets were gone.

    So, I tried rebooting a couple times, and suddenly, it stopped booting. It won't work on the Dell either. It always gets stuck at the loading screen that says kubuntu ..... I press random keys and see error messages about an uninitialized variable in:

    *Worked on Dell XPS
    *On Toshiba, appearance settings buggy, eventually stopped booting.

    Some other Notes:
    *I had tried Ubuntu with the same USB before and had problems with the appearance too. However with Ubuntu, my USB never stopped booting.
    *Not sure if this is related, but when I shut down kubuntu, each time I would get a warning that tty sessions were still running.

    Any ideas? I figure I can go back to using Ubuntu if I can't find a fix, but I much prefer the KDE environment. Thanks!