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[SOLVED] Can't Boot an OS: Grub Restore Prompt

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    [SOLVED] Can't Boot an OS: Grub Restore Prompt


    Problem: Can't boot into an OS

    Steps Performed:
    1) Fresh WinXP install
    2) Fresh Kubuntu install
    3) Reboot = Grub Restore prompt

    The error involved device UUID 6e570400-9ee6-40ad-afc4-e34f020382fc

    Booted up with Live CD, but not particularly sure what to do to fix GRUB

    Additional info: (two hard drive system)

    sudo fdisk -l
    /dev/sda1   *   NTFS  <=== Just a blank drive (MBR here I think)
    /dev/sda2      Extended
    /dev/sda5      Linux swap
    /dev/sdb1      NTFS <=== WinXP
    /dev/sdb2      Extended
    /dev/sdb5      Linux <=== Linux Install
    sudo blkid
    /dev/sda1:   LABEL="Shared" UUID="805C34595C344C62"                  type="ntfs"
    /dev/sda5:                 UUID="12c16913-362e-4a31-a855-7bc221931632" type="swap"
    /dev/sdb1:   LABEL="Win XP" UUID="5AA42FA6A42F839B"                   type="ntfs"
    /dev/sdb5:                 UUID="6e570400-9ee6-40ad-afc4-e34f020382fc"  type="ext3"
    grub.cfg (cherry picked what I thought would be relevant)
    set root='(dev/sdb,msdos5)'
    search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root 6e570400-9ee6-40ad-afc4-e34f020382fc
    set root='(/dev/sdb,msdos5)'
    search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root 6e570400-9ee6-40ad-afc4-e34f020382fc
    Linux generic
    search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root 6e570400-9ee6-40ad-afc4-e34f020382fc
    linux- /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.38-8-generic root=UUID=6e570400-9ee6-40ad-afc4-e34f020382fc
    Linux generic (recovery mode)
    same as above
    same as above
    Win XP
    set root='(/dev/sda,msdos1)'
    search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root 805C34595C344C62
    fstab (cherry picked again)
    proc /proc proc
    UUID=6e570400-9ee6-40ad-afc4-e34f020382fc / ext3
    UUID=12c16913-362e-4a31-a855-7bc221931632 none swap
    /dev/fd0 /media/floppy0
    Additional Notes: Can mount these drives inside Live CD fine. Data on each looks fine.


    (preferably something that doesn't involve downloading a recovery disk etc would be nice since I have no flash drive)

    Re: Can't Boot an OS: Grub Restore Prompt

    You don't happen to have an Intel motherboard, do you? They tend to require a "boot" flag set on the partition to be booted. Your boot flag is on /dev/sda1.


      Re: Can't Boot an OS: Grub Restore Prompt

      If grub was installed to the MBR it should still boot

      I'd use the live CD to reinstall grub. Boot the live CD and do this from a console window -

      sudo grub-install --boot-directory=/media/6e570400-9ee6-40ad-afc4-e34f020382fc/boot /dev/sda

      Reference here. Read the whole thing to make sure I didn't screw it up
      we see things not as they are, but as we are.
      -- anais nin


        Re: Can't Boot an OS: Grub Restore Prompt

        Originally posted by dibl
        You don't happen to have an Intel motherboard, do you? They tend to require a "boot" flag set on the partition to be booted. Your boot flag is on /dev/sda1.
        Mhm an old turdy one sda1 is where the MBR is... kinda i guess...? should the boot flag be set on the Linux partition or somethin?

        sudo grub-install --boot-directory=/media/6e570400-9ee6-40ad-afc4-e34f020382fc/boot /dev/sda
        That and the corresponding link led to some promising leads. The above command itself threw a warning complaining about FlexNet conflicts so it couldn't install grub.

        Problem detailed here:

        Followed those steps and FlexNet problem solved... re-ran the above command and now it installs successfully.

        Installation finished. No error reported.
        Unfortunately upon restart the device error Grub Restore prompt returned.

        Ran fixmbr under windows recovery console to rewrite MBR. This allowed WinXP to autoboot. Decided to try re-installing Kubuntu at this point... unfortunately now I'm right back where I started again... can't boot into any OS again. Re-ran that above suggested Linux command just to make sure that dang FlexNet didn't return... it didn't. Not really sure why Grub isn't playing nice. :-X


          Re: Can't Boot an OS: Grub Restore Prompt

          Quite a few models of Intel motherboards have a BIOS "feature" or "bug" (depending on whether you ask Intel or a Linux kernel developer) that causes it not to launch the MBR bootstrap code unless the boot flag is set on the partition being booted. I have a D975XBX2 with that "feature". Once Grub is happily running, however, it will boot other OSs on other partitions, including Windows, with no problem. But you can't get Grub booted without the boot flag, on these particular boards.

          Just FYI.


            Re: Can't Boot an OS: Grub Restore Prompt

            Originally posted by dibl
            Quite a few models of Intel motherboards have a BIOS "feature" or "bug" (depending on whether you ask Intel or a Linux kernel developer) that causes it not to launch the MBR bootstrap code unless the boot flag is set on the partition being booted. I have a D975XBX2 with that "feature". Once Grub is happily running, however, it will boot other OSs on other partitions, including Windows, with no problem. But you can't get Grub booted without the boot flag, on these particular boards.

            Just FYI.
            True, but the boot flag was set where grub was installed. That's why I said it should boot
            we see things not as they are, but as we are.
            -- anais nin


              Re: Can't Boot an OS: Grub Restore Prompt

              Originally posted by wizard10000

              True, but the boot flag was set where grub was installed. That's why I said it should boot
              Well, OK wiz -- but I was thinking the boot flag needs to be on the partition where his Linux OS is installed, to boot it. I dunno ......


                Re: Can't Boot an OS: Grub Restore Prompt

                Originally posted by dibl
                Well, OK wiz -- but I was thinking the boot flag needs to be on the partition where his Linux OS is installed, to boot it. I dunno ......
                grub 1's documentation - I don't think grub2 docs exist yet - I did find the Intel "feature" you mentioned, though.

                GRUB can both PC style partitions (normal and extended DOS-style) and 386BSD/Mach style BSD sub-partitions in a consistent manner, plus it can set the "active partition" marker as desired (he "active partition" marker is currently irrelevant to GRUBs actual behavior, this still needs some work related to default device notations).
                we see things not as they are, but as we are.
                -- anais nin


                  Re: Can't Boot an OS: Grub Restore Prompt


                  So...hmm.. ehhh... err... umm.. is there something regarding my Intel turd mobo and its little booty flag I should be doing? Or was that deemed not to be the problem?

                  In the meantime I've kicked, stared at with an evil eye, played a little frisbee with, and even spoke sweet sweet nothings to my Kubuntu CD......but still nothing. Multiple workarounds involving relying on the Windows' boot thing-a-ma-jig (boot.ini modification etc) have also yielded nothin'. Multiple linux re-installs with different settings (boot loader location etc) as well as an entire wipe + re-format of the linux partition proved to be a nice waste of time .

                  Only interesting thing occurred when I copied the /boot/grub folder off my linux partition onto my primary drive where boot.ini resides. After a reboot I got a nice boring grub> prompt to play around in.

                  grub> ls
                  (hd0) (hd0, msdos5) (hd0,msdos1) (hd1) (hd1,msdos1) (fd0)
                  I see my two hard drives and their partitions from left-to-right:

                  (hd0, msdos5) = miscellaneous NTFS drive including boot.ini etc;
                  (hd0,msdos1) = Swap
                  (hd1,msdos1) = NTFS winXP

                  Wonder why the linux partition is a no show? Ungrateful deserter! I have no idea what fd0 is unless thats a floppy drive? Guess my two CD drives like their privacy as well.

                  As for my current mental state I think dementia is starting to set in as I've made plans to open my computer later tonight and perform some surgical operations. Most likely some "Hey this wire looks interesting wonder what happens when I yank it out" kind of odds are I'll be breaking everything... so if you have any last ideas now would probably be a good time


                    Re: Can't Boot an OS: Grub Restore Prompt

                    As an experiment (and since both your OS's are on /dev/sdb), why don't you try pulling the power connector off of /dev/sda. Then (using a live CD) install Grub to the MBR of /dev/sdb (which will now be /dev/sda), pointing to the Linux OS on that drive.

                    In the Live CD session:

                    sudo mkdir /mnt/BDRIVE
                    sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sda5 /mnt/BDRIVE
                    sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/BDRIVE /dev/sda
                    Now reboot, and you should have a bootable Linux OS. If that much works, then we can build your expertise to use "os prober" to find that other pesky OS, and finally to add back your other drive and whatever benefits it provides your system.


                      Re: Can't Boot an OS: Grub Restore Prompt

                      sounds like we had a similar idea :P

                      anywho... the secondary is now the primary... the old primary is chilling over on the desk waiting patiently... re-installed grub and...

                      ... IT WORKS! okay I lied it doesn't

                      error: unknown filesystem
                      grub rescue>
                      well at least its a little different (wonder if that is referring to the WINXP NTFS or if its still complaining about the Linux partition (ext3)

                      i've got a few things I'm gonna try.. but after that the only thing i can think left to do.. and the final push before raising the white flag would be to try a full reinstall of both OSes (WIN then Linux)... if you're still around and got any ideas feel free to keep tossing them out there as I'm really not looking forward to going through that whole re-install wait



                      (hd0) (hd0, msdos2) (hd0,msdos1) (fd0)
                      ls (hd0, msdos2)
                      error: unknown filesystem
                      ls (hd0, msdos1)
                      error: unknown filesystem
                      Looks like the Linux partition decided to make an appearance... sorta.... but neither identifiable...yeah that can't be good. :-X

                      On that depressing news I'm guessing all that's left is a dual re-install

                      Next words from me will be the last regarding this subject. Either SUCCESS or I GIVE UP


                        Re: Can't Boot an OS: Grub Restore Prompt

                        1) Partitions deleted. 
                        2) WinXP re-install.
                        3) Linux re-install
                        [code]error: unknown filesystem
                        grub rescue>
                        That error is beyond a bad joke at this point. Its truly demented. Sick. Maybe Billy Gate$ secretly installed a Linux blocker on my Hard Drive. :-X

                        anyways...I GIVE UP!!!

                        maybe... possibly...

                        okay i lied as i haven't officially given up....

                        ...but I've got some more bad news I've been holding back. The WINXP recovery console fixes Windows so i'm forced into using it... yes your evil arch nemesis... and as long as I'm using it i feel oddly compelled to say nice things about it to everyone I meet. I dunno why... i think its some kind of virus it gives you upon logging in. So you see... you guys have a vested interest in helping me... so put on some new pants... punch some kittens... whatever it is you Kubutonians do to get the creative juices flowing... I'm convinced this microbeast has a weak spot... we just need to find it!

                        [b]Some useful or useless info depending how you look at it:
                        (hd0) (hd0, msdos2) (hd0,msdos1) (fd0)
                        ls (hd0, msdos2)
                        error: unknown filesystem
                        ls (hd0, msdos1)
                        error: unknown filesystem
                        Hard drive model: wd2500jb ~230gb
                        130gb - WinXP partition (NTFS)
                        ~98gb - Linux partition (ext3)
                        ~2gb  - Swap


                          Re: Can't Boot an OS: Grub Restore Prompt

                          late to this post and there's a lot to read through here, but reviewing the first post I notice:

                          Comment regarding MBR: The MBR is 512 reserved bytes and does not reside in any partition, sda1 or otherwise.

                          It appears you're using two hard drives: By far the the easiest dual (or duel if you prefer) booting install is to;
                          1) Install Windows to the first primary partition on a drive
                          2) Install Kubuntu anywhere you want but...
                          2a) install the grub bootloader to the other (not windows) drive.

                          This leaves you with two bootable drives - one Windows, one Grub. Then either change the bios boot order to boot to the grub drive or switch cables so it boots first. Then if grub won't play nice booting directly to your Windows install partition, simply "chainload" to the other drive's MBR and boot that way.

                          Please Read Me


                            Re: Can't Boot an OS: Grub Restore Prompt

                            Mmkkay... off to sleep... but tommorrow I'll put back in my other drive... and install the grub bootload on there and attempt the two boot loader solution and see how that does .

                            And mmhm.. the MBR=sda1 was my inner n00b.. but I since found a very helpful site with puuurty pictures that explained the whole boot loader process if any other n00bs out there are interested 8):

                            [random mini rant of the day]
                            I just find all these install errors a little baffling... considering I used this exact same procedure/disk setup to install a dual boot on another computer a few days back (which was a single drive system like I currently have)... only difference was a different hard drive manufacturer and it was only a ~60gig drive or so. Its as if Linux hates this drive. Maybe if the dual boot loader doesn't work I'll move Linux over to the second drive as well to see what that does... though I'd prefer not to as its a tiny drive
                            [/mini rant]


                              Re: Can't Boot an OS: Grub Restore Prompt

                              Interesting page, although most of the info is MS bootloader specific. They've (Microsith) coined another new term - "Partition Boot Record." I've always heard it called "Volume Boot Record" but that's how Microsulg gets wins it's infringement lawsuits - coin a term, wait for it to be commonly used, then sue everyone for using it.

                              I suspect, rather than linux "hating" your drive this is a bios related issue.

                              Assuming you can get the two drive system booting, the size of the drives isn't important to linux. You can easily attach, combine, or arrange the space on both drives to suit your needs. It's quite a bit more difficult to do that with Windows so let Windows have it's space uninterrupted and we'll install linux "around" it...

                              Please Read Me

