I've got a Packard Bell Easynote TH36 laptop on which I initially installed kubuntu 10.10 without problem: installation went out of the box, my only problems concerned graphics, such as difficulties seeing a video fullscreen.
I recently decided to upgrade to natty.
First using the update manager: everything went fine until I was asked to reboot: then nothing, the screen turned black and nothing else happened.
I then tried a fresh install from a CD. Again very difficult, the screen turned black immediately after the first menu when I select "start kubuntu".
After some search on forum and kubuntu official support, I was adviced a workaround:
Here is exactly what I did:
-boot from CD
-hit F6 and ESC to disable the popup menu, then manually edit the boot options: remove "quiet splash" and insert "i915.modeset=0"
-The computer boots and I can try natty and then install it.
-At reboot on disk however, again the black screen. The computer yet starts as I ear the startup music.
-I supposed I had to insert the i915.modeset=0 boot option within grub.
-So I start from disk, hit shift to display the grub menu, then e to edit, add the options to the boot line, then F10 to start
The problem is yet unsolved: still black screen and no possible console login, although the computer starts (music again)
Strange enough, a lucid install went without this problem, but with no wifi however...
Please help, this lasts for 2 weeks now and I have to used a very old spare awfully slow spare PC!
In case this helps I attach the log of lshw (I could run it after the lucid install)
thanks in advance
I've got a Packard Bell Easynote TH36 laptop on which I initially installed kubuntu 10.10 without problem: installation went out of the box, my only problems concerned graphics, such as difficulties seeing a video fullscreen.
I recently decided to upgrade to natty.
First using the update manager: everything went fine until I was asked to reboot: then nothing, the screen turned black and nothing else happened.
I then tried a fresh install from a CD. Again very difficult, the screen turned black immediately after the first menu when I select "start kubuntu".
After some search on forum and kubuntu official support, I was adviced a workaround:
Here is exactly what I did:
-boot from CD
-hit F6 and ESC to disable the popup menu, then manually edit the boot options: remove "quiet splash" and insert "i915.modeset=0"
-The computer boots and I can try natty and then install it.
-At reboot on disk however, again the black screen. The computer yet starts as I ear the startup music.
-I supposed I had to insert the i915.modeset=0 boot option within grub.
-So I start from disk, hit shift to display the grub menu, then e to edit, add the options to the boot line, then F10 to start
The problem is yet unsolved: still black screen and no possible console login, although the computer starts (music again)
Strange enough, a lucid install went without this problem, but with no wifi however...
Please help, this lasts for 2 weeks now and I have to used a very old spare awfully slow spare PC!
In case this helps I attach the log of lshw (I could run it after the lucid install)
thanks in advance