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Everything is very slow since I upgraded

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    Re: Everything is very slow since I upgraded

    Originally posted by GreyGeek
    This is a bug and the solution to this problem is in response #11 of the bug report:
    You need to be able load a live linux operating system that can write your your filesystem.

    I used a live-usb drive. You can use the ubuntu install cd for this purpose.

    After booting into the live cd based environment, you need to mount the partition on your main system that contains /boot.

    Then you can make the necessary modifications to grubenv as per comments above.

    cd /boot/grub
    rm grubenv
    grub-editenv grubenv create
    grub-editenv grubenv set default=0
    grub-editenv grubenv list

    This should give a bootable system.
    Creating a new grubenv will likely work (although the bug report seems to refer to an unbootable system...and I understood that Tib-Tib was able to boot despite the error). If you can boot the system you don't need a liveCD, you can run the commands from your running system.

    Here's somewhat shorter steps to do all that (complete with necessary sudo)
    sudo grub-editenv - create
    sudo grub-editenv - set default=0


      Re: Everything is very slow since I upgraded

      I followed Kubicle's instructions and the boot error message changed, still on a blue screen I get:
      Error: hd0 is out of disk
      Press any key to continue...
      And then it boots ok

      And here's what I get with:
      tibo@tibo-Latitude-D410:~$ grub-editenv - list
      grub-editenv: error: invalid environment block.


        Re: Everything is very slow since I upgraded

        Originally posted by Tib-Tib
        I followed Kubicle's instructions and the boot error message changed, still on a blue screen I get:
        Error: hd0 is out of disk
        Press any key to continue...
        Hmm...any chance hd0 is full, you can check that with (you can post the output for us to see):
        df -hT
        Originally posted by Tib-Tib
        And here's what I get with:
        tibo@tibo-Latitude-D410:~$ grub-editenv - list
        grub-editenv: error: invalid environment block.
        Still invalid?, post the output of:
        ls -l /boot/grub/grubenv
        cat /boot/grub/grubenv
        (To see if there is something immediately apparent cause)


          Re: Everything is very slow since I upgraded

          tibo@tibo-Latitude-D410:~$ df -hT
          Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
          /dev/sda1 ext4 71G 3.7G 64G 6% /
          none devtmpfs 994M 656K 993M 1% /dev
          none tmpfs 1003M 764K 1002M 1% /dev/shm
          none tmpfs 1003M 88K 1002M 1% /var/run
          none tmpfs 1003M 0 1003M 0% /var/lock
          tibo@tibo-Latitude-D410:~$ ls-l /boot/grub/grubenv
          ls-l: command not found
          tibo@tibo-Latitude-D410:~$ ls -l /boot/grub/grubenv
          -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1024 2011-05-27 18:26 /boot/grub/grubenv
          tibo@tibo-Latitude-D410:~$ cat /boot/grub/grubenv
          # UBUBjfnvifonldnthglo`
          dadau<0=0`becdbdfh-l=#"############################################## ###############################
          ################################################## ############################################
          ################################################## ############################################
          ################################################## ############################################
          ################################################## ############################################
          ################################################## ############################################
          ################################################## ############################################
          ################################################## ############################################
          ################################################## ############################################
          ################################################## ############################################
          ################################################## tibo@tibo-Latitude-D410:~$


            Re: Everything is very slow since I upgraded

            Originally posted by Tib-Tib
            tibo@tibo-Latitude-D410:~$ df -hT
            Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
            /dev/sda1 ext4 71G 3.7G 64G 6% /
            That looks OK, plenty of room

            tibo@tibo-Latitude-D410:~$ ls -l /boot/grub/grubenv
            -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1024 2011-05-27 18:26 /boot/grub/grubenv
            Nothing amiss there either

            tibo@tibo-Latitude-D410:~$ cat /boot/grub/grubenv
            # UBUBjfnvifonldnthglo`
            That looks corrupted, it should look like:
            # GRUB Environment Block
            I'd try removing grubenv completely
            sudo rm /boot/grub/grubenv
            Then recreate again
            sudo grub-editenv - create
            Then check that the new grubenv looks good
            cat /boot/grub/grubenv
            Then try setting the default option again
            sudo grub-editenv - set default=0
            Then re-check that the new grubenv looks good
            cat /boot/grub/grubenv
            If that doesn't work, there must be something during boot that messes up the grubenv file.


              Re: Everything is very slow since I upgraded


              That's it, no more error message!

              Thanks so much for your help!

              It's not the first time I use kubuntu forums since I started using linux and I really appreciate the patience and commitment of those helping

              I'm just a farmer, I don't really have the time and energy to learn and get a deep understanding of computers so it is so helpful to have people like you out there ready to help those who need!

              Thanks again!



                Re: Everything is very slow since I upgraded

                "... just a farmer"?

                That's a BIG "just". Much less than 1% of the population of the US feeding the rest of the country and a large number of people in other countries, and doing it for love because there isn't much money in it -- that's the prime definition of the GPL or FOSS.

                My hat's off to you Tib-Tib.

                ("Farming is just a way of using land to convert oil into food" - Dr. Albert Bartlett)
                Thomas Malthus predicted disaster from increasing population when he observed that population increased exponentially (using figures from the early United States census), while arable land could be brought into production only arithmetically (at a constant rate). When the curves crossed, famine would ensue. These observations were made before 1800. It is easy to see why they were not borne out, except locally and temporarily, but this does not invalidate his analysis. Now we have exponential growth versus a fixed resource, not an arithmetically increasing one.

                Petroleum is not simply a source of gasoline. It is essential to the low- cost production of food, in the form of Diesel fuel and as a chemical feedstock for the manufacture of fertilizers. The rise in price of oil will deny it to the poorest of the human population, depriving it of the food that has been forced from the ground by the use of cheap energy and chemicals. This is only one aspect of the problem of the exhaustion of resources that will become worse and worse as the world population increases. Human population cannot increase forever at an exponential rate; it will level off -- but the Earth cannot support indefinitely even its current population. The pain does not come gradually, but all at once, in these cases.

                It is exceedingly difficult for humans, especially politicians and priests, to realize the scale of the universe in time and space, and that seemingly substantial and everlasting things are merely temporary and insignificant bright flashes in eternity.
                "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                  Re: Everything is very slow since I upgraded

                  Originally posted by Tib-Tib
                  I'm just a farmer, I don't really have the time and energy to learn and get a deep understanding of computers so it is so helpful to have people like you out there ready to help those who need!
                  I'll second GG's comment. As a farmer you help to feed our bodies; a job of no small consequence. I thank you for your labors on behalf of humanity. That you have found your way here to KFN, and have availed yourself of our talents, allows us to pay something back. Those who serve, are themselves, served.

                  This forum has, for me, been an absolute treasure trove of invaluable information. When I made my switch to Kubuntu Linux back in 2007, the time I spent 'learning' how to get things done with it was greatly reduced, and therefore, my enjoyment [read: less frustrataion] factor, was greatly enhanced. Knowing myself, if KFN hadn't existed, I might have given up and stuck with Windows.

                  Hope that you stick around.
                  Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                  Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                  "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes

