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I just did the upgrade 10.10-11.04 now it's running gnome. Why?

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    I just did the upgrade 10.10-11.04 now it's running gnome. Why?

    I hit the upgrade button in kpackage 10.10 to do the Natty Narwhale upgrade. It took a couple of hours (expected) and on reboot went into the latest and greatest KDE. I played for a while to make sure everything worked, it did and restarted the system.

    I need KDE back. On the second boot it just decided that I no longer had the equipment to run Unity and through itself into GNOME. I hate Gnome (just way too brown) and want what I upgraded to. What's weird is that on the first boot after upgrade it worked fine. No error messages on upgrade.

    Do I have to reinstall from scratch again? I prefer KDE.

    Just once I would like to have that upgrade work without little weird problems or just reinstalling from disk again.

    Re: I just did the upgrade 10.10-11.04 now it's running gnome. Why?

    And to add insult to injury, when I log out it gives me a Kubuntu logout splash screen.

    What file in /etc specifies gnome or kde? Can I change it there?


      Re: I just did the upgrade 10.10-11.04 now it's running gnome. Why?

      The developers seem to keep changing this because it matches no one elses location. I did find a file, /etc/x11/x11.conf that says the following:

      Section "Screen"
      Identifier "Default Screen"
      DefaultDepth 24

      Section "Module"
      Load "glx"

      Section "Device"
      Identifier "Default Device"
      Driver "nvidia"
      Option "NoLogo" "True"

      I think that it's what I highlighted, what should it say to be KDE?


        Re: I just did the upgrade 10.10-11.04 now it's running gnome. Why?

        No one had an answer, so I reinstalled via DVD and it works now the way it's supposed to. The upgrade process is seriously flawed. Fortunately this is the stable release and I don't need to do this again for a couple of years.

